Saturday, December 31, 2016

December 31, 2016
6:50 p.m.

This will be my last blog...

In 2016.

Next time I share my thought with you, it will be a brand new year. I look forward to it.

In the meantime, I would like to share with you a loving look back at celebrities we lost this year. We will remember them fondly:

I would also like to share with you once again a loving goodbye to my sweet cousin, Rusty: He was much too young and so, so missed by family and friends.

Also to my dear friend Annette Haney:  When I arrived in Wyoming this month, my first thought was of going to the office to say hello; it just keeps hitting me over and over again. I still haven't wrapped my head around losing her.

Please remember the people I grew up knowing in my little hometown who were called home this year:
Helen B Syndergaard
Frank Reyes
Floyd Johnny Ortega
Clora Arguello
Theresa Stephens
Joyce Davis Patterson
Dennis Seyersdahl
Toni Morgan
Leo Montoya
Laura Makie
Christopher Randles
Edward "Burt" Lucero
Ronald Bingham

There's no doubt in my mind that I've probably missed mentioning someone; these are people I knew personally and I hope you'll understand if I unintentionally left anyone out. They were all well-loved and missed by family and friends.

Many young--really young--people were called home this year. I have to believe that the good Lord is in need of a lot of good helpers to lend a hand in the coming years.

Anyway...good-bye, 2016. You've been tough on us, but we've ended up stronger and more determined than ever to make 2017 a better year for us all!

7:40 p.m.

In other thoughts, I have to express my gratitude to all of you who read this stuff. It keeps me busy--and also sane!--writing down the often nutty stuff that crosses what passes for my mind, and I appreciate the readership.

(Okay, which one of you questioned my sanity?)

(Oh. It was me.)

I'm wishing you all the Happiest of New Years. May all your dreams come true, may all your schemes succeed, may your blessing be many and your trials be few.

Live Long and Prosper!

Good night.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

December 29, 2016
11:24 a.m.

Okay, first of all, you all need to get back up; I know it floored you to see a post beginning in the a.m.
I know you don't believe it, but I do get up in the morning. I just don't accomplish much until after noon.

I know I said I was done with 2016 a couple of days ago, but apparently, 2016 is not done with us. One day after losing Carrie Fisher, we lost her beautiful mother, Debbie Reynolds.

I get it, really. Losing a child must be the most devastating thing that can happen to a mother. Debbie Reynolds was heartbroken; of course she was.

They are together again.

I suppose we could call 2016 a year of great reaping, at least in terms of celebrities. I'm sure the total numbers of all deaths is comparable to any other year; I'll never know that for certain, of course, since I am not going to do the kind of research it would take to arrive at an unquestionable conclusion, but I'm assuming it averages out. However, my perception of losses in 2016 is that we've lost more people in a year's time than ever before.

Many of my friends lost family members this year. Several lost parents during this holiday season.

I personally lost a very dear friend who died suddenly at home, and a cousin who battled brain cancer and lost while still in his twenties.

Christmas week in Wyoming was difficult for a couple of families, one who lost a young daughter and another who lost a father/grandfather.

God must be in need of some good helpers to be calling so many home; what else could it be?

But as I bemoan the awfulness of this past year, those around me have been reminding me of all the good things that happened this year, for them and for me.

1. New granddaughter
2. I was hugged several times by Cary Elwes. Yes, from The Princess Bride. Great hugger.
3. He hugged two of my grandchildren, too, and was very kind to all of us. Denver ComiCon.
4. I have spent a good deal of time in Wyoming with my parents this year. Priceless.
5. I was blessed to be able to provide a place for my daughter and her family to stay while they rebuild their lives. It's not much, but they have a roof over their heads until they can get their own.
6. My brother made that roof less leaky. Yay.
7. My children and grandchildren are well.
8. My parents are well.
9. My siblings and their families are well.

It's sad how making this list suddenly caused me to be scared that I might be jinxing something!! Oh, me of little faith! Pray for me; I need it.

Speaking of having little faith, I am one of those people who order things and then stress out about delivery. This year everything got delivered in a timely manner except presents for two grandchildren. So I sent my daughter last minute shopping so they'd have a gift from Grandma--and then, of course, the packages were delivered. Oh well, the kids got extra. Nobody loses, right? Haha.

(Anyway, who can blame me for a lack of faith in the post office? Do you have any idea how many things they have lost for me over the years? Mortgage checks. Utility bills. Packages. I was justified in my faithlessness.)

Two more days, and I can start stressing out about 2017.

Nope. Not gonna do that. I really am hoping that 2017 will bring better things to us all.

12:25 p.m.

I tried a new shampoo today. Something sulfate free. My hair feels great, but I'm not going to tell you what it is until I use it over a course of time and see how it does.

Oh my gosh, I sound like I'm planning to do product endorsements. Excuse me while I go laugh.

1:42 p.m.

No, I didn't laugh that long. I put clothes in the dryer, ate lunch with my Mom and did a few chores.

I'm back!

Just read some news reports and learned that President Obama is sending some Russians home. How about that?

Ah, I could  do some major complaining about politics, but I think I am done complaining for today. It doesn't do any good anyway, makes me feel grumpy and you all get sick and tired of me.
So I will spare us all.

Good book time! Read The Fireman by Joe Hill. You will thank me later. Honest.


Okay, book recommendations mean I am ending on a positive note. At least, that's what I think!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

December 27, 2016
3:08 p.m.

Well, 2016 is winding down, and it seems like it is in a huge rush to reap as many more precious souls as it can before it is finally all over.

Carrie Fisher. Probably my first female hero, Princess Leia was an inspiration because she was a leader of a rebellion and a total bad-ass. She was witty, gritty and smart as a whip, and that tiny little thing stood up for herself and her people with everyone, up to and including Darth Vader. Carrie brought this character to life and inspired many of the young women in my youth to be strong and brave and stand on our own two feet, rather than waiting to be rescued by a "Prince Charming."

Later in life, Carrie Fisher became quite a wonderful writer. Her wit was unique and truthful.

We lost her this morning, and I am profoundly sad. She will certainly be missed.

On Christmas day, we lost the very talented George Michael. "Careless Whisper" left me in tears the first time I heard it. I'm listening now, but I'm tougher now than I was then, so I can still see my screen. So sad to lose such a talented man at age 53. He will be missed.

I cannot neglect to mention the passing of my brother's beloved dog, who went to pup Heaven yesterday. I'm so sorry, family of Loki. He was a good boy.

This has been a rough year. I've been trying to count the numerous blessings that surely came to pass this year, and at this moment, I remember the birth of my beautiful granddaughter, who joined the family in March. I continue to be blessed with parents and siblings who doing are well, children and grandchildren who are doing well, and I am so thankful for all that. I have many people in my life to love, and that can never be a bad thing.

But I will add that it has been tough. We have dealt with displacement, unemployment, poor health and a few other hardships this year that I hope will all soon be resolved.

We have watched a decline in this country due to poor judgment and downright ignorance on the part of many of the people in power who have failed to do their jobs. We have dealt with disorder in the police departments across the country. We have watched people cause destruction and death in the name of peace. We have watched as our country would once again rally to rape the land and waterways of the Natives in the name of the Almighty dollar. We have elected an incompetent spoiled baby to lead our Nation, and those who should know better have responded not with peaceful protests but with rioting, looting and destruction. (To those who DID protest peacefully: I commend you. Thank you.)

I can only hang my head in shame. I have never felt so disappointed.

I'm afraid to be hopeful for the coming year, but honestly, hope is all I have left!

So to end this little rant, I would ask that we all spend more time getting involved in the process of bringing pride back to this country. It's too important to ignore; we all have a responsibility to our offspring, and their offspring, to get things back on the right track. Clean up the waterways. Fight for renewable clean energy. Recycle. Do your part, however small; it all adds up.

We have four more days. I pray that they are all quietly peaceful--boring even.

May 2017 come in with peace and prosperity for all and make up for 2016 a little bit. We need a break!

I really mean it when I say this to all of you: Happy New Year!!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

December 22, 2016
7:07 p.m.

It took me a few days to figure out how to do my blog from my Dad's computer--somehow I failed to remember how to log in from any but my own devices. Silly me!

But here I am!!

My Dad and brother came to Colorado to pick me up, and we made it to Wyoming ahead of a snowstorm. Let it be known to all that something went right in 2016. (We'll disregard the trips that had to be rescheduled due to things NOT going right in 2016!)

It was a quick but pleasant trip. My brother did indeed do some temporary roof repairs, and according to my son back home, so far so good. Yay.

Of course, I did forget my purse and we had to go back and get it, but we hadn't gone too far before I realized it. Whoops!

You see, the repairs required some smelly stuff, and as you know, I'm allergic to smelly stuff, so they kicked me out with the dogs for awhile. the dogs were pretty happy to spend some extra time outside, since it was a lovely day. But then, when it was time to go, I didn't get to do a walk-through. You know what I mean, that walk through all the rooms to make sure you're not forgetting anything? So, naturally, I forgot something!

All was cool, though. We made it out of Denver and stopped in La Porte for lunch at a place I haven't been to or even thought about since I was a child: Vern's. Great food, great atmosphere, great memories once I got through the door. We used to stop there on trips to see our grandparents in Denver; there was a place nearby where you could look at tame deer that someone kept. Then the road from Fort Collins to Laramie was rebuilt with a slight route change, and we never went there again, until last week! My Dad and I were tickled to see it again. My brother had rediscovered it on a trip with his family; my sister-in-law's family used to go there years ago as well.

A little time travel never hurts anyone, right. Ah, memories!

So, here I am back in my old neck of the woods, and so far I have failed to call and let anyone know I am here. We've been busy getting ready for Christmas, and since I plan to stay awhile, I plan to get in touch with everyone soon. I am still struggling to get rid of this sinus infection and not ready to go out and play yet.

We shopped at the local--sort of, it's in the next town east of us--Wal-Mart this week; what a zoo! Too many people for such a relatively small town! It's worse here in town where there is only one grocery store; what they have is what they have, the prices are high because they have no competition and it was jam-packed with people today. Goodness! You almost have to shove your way through the aisles. It seems weird to me that when this town had half as many people there were twice as many stores--more, if you include the small markets that used to be here. King Soopers has a monopoly on this place; is that even legal?

Still, it is always nice to be home, and I am sure enjoying the time with my parents. I am grateful every day for the time I have with them; it is so precious!

Hopefully I will be thinking thoughts soon, but just in case--Merry Christmas to all!

And to all--good night!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

December 14, 2016
4:31 p.m.

The month is flying by, and I have accomplished practically nothing. Unless you count blowing my brains out numerous times a day because I have a sinus infection and my poor old nose is trying to run off my face--when it's not bleeding. Ugh!

It's hard to write an intelligent sentence without a brain.

I think it's getting bettterm finally, but it has made for a rather unproductive month.

I'm just proud of myself for getting the Christmas shopping done for my grandchildren. I feel very accomplished for having done that!

Can I just say that I love the ability to shop online? If I had had to leave my house to shop these last couple of weeks, nothing at all would be done. I was able to mindlessly scroll through the websites until I found what I wanted, order it, pay for it and call it good. Hurray! The children will now get a Christmas from Grandma. It's a miracle.

I had a good laugh at myself while shopping, though. It took me SO LONG!! And I waited so late in the month that many of the things I would have liked to get were not available. That made me sad. I am choosing to blame it on illness. Got whopped with the flu before Thanksgiving and it's been one thing after another ever since.

Plus I wrote 50,000 words on my book in November--go me--by signing up with NaNoWriMo and meeting the challenge, But the research involved kept me busy, shopping. No planning for Christmas.

When I was younger--teen years, young adult with small kids--I used to start shopping really early. I have no idea what happened to me! I used to do it up so well! These days I'm lucky to get the shopping done in the nick of time, and it's a miracle if I manage to get it wrapped.

What happened to my Christmas Spirit?

I have spent the past month or so waiting to get to Wyoming to see my folks. One thing after another has been happening to get in the way of the trip: illness, snow storms, wacky work schedules. The plan as of this minute is that my brother is coming for me in the morning.

Please, please, pray that it happens this time!! I am very ready for a visit with my family back home.

I do feel bad that I won't have Christmas here with my kids and grandchildren who live in the area, but I see them a lot more often than I do my parents, and they understand. Plus, I finished shopping for the kiddos, so I think they'll forgive me.

The year is coming to a close, and I am going to be glad to see 2016 in the rearview mirror. This has been a tough one on so many different levels.

We lost over a hundred celebrities this year, including David Bowie, Prince, Gene Wilder, Alan Rickman, Dan Haggerty, Abe Vigoda, Florence Henderson, Alan Thicke, Garry Shandling, Garry Marshall, and the way, way too young 27-year-old Anton Yelchin. This list is way too short, so I will include a link to the many who deserve to be mentioned.

More personally, I lost a dear friend this year who I still find myself trying to text message before realizing--again--that she's gone on. It was so sudden and unexpected that I still can't wrap my head around it. I miss you, Annette.

The USA went bananas and elected a complete and total expletive, colorful swear word, bleep as our next POTUS.

The government continues to screw the American Indians, who want nothing more than to save us from ourselves. We need clean water--duh!

Everyone wants to shoot everyone else, and no one wants to make guns more difficult to obtain, so I guess the government is also okay with everyone shooting everyone else.


Maybe starting 2017 isn't the greatest idea after all.

9:23 p.m.

Do you ever get the idea that I'm easily distracted? Hahaha!

I've got a houseful here, and we were all supposed to watch "Home Alone" together. I'm watching it--all alone.

It's quiet in here--at the moment, anyway. Weird.

I don't care; I love this movie almost as much as I love "A Christmas Story". My family groans out loud when I want to watch that one, but this is a favorite of us all. So...where is everybody??

I laugh when I watch this, but seriously...everyone should be either in the hospital or dead. Even Kevin; that fall when his brother's bookcase came down should have caused some serious damage to that little boy. Talk about a "don't try this at home" premise.

By the way, I read somewhere that the real house used in "Home Alone" recently sold for over a million.five dollars. I love that house. It's lovely. Of course, I could never afford it in a million years, but it sure is nice.

Well, my bags are packed, I'm ready to go. Just watching the weather and hoping for the best. Winter--bah, humbug! 

Say a prayer for nice weather, clear roads and safe travel for my brother and dad and me, will you, please?

Thank you, and good night!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

December 2, 2016
4:35 p.m.

Wow, it's hard to believe it's already December. I hate to say it, but I'm going to be glad to see the end of 2016. This year has been a rough one.

But--OH MY GOD!!--I am not ready for Christmas, and it's in 22 days (I'm not counting today, it's pretty much a gone thing.

I have no idea how I'm going to do Christmas this year. Ugh!

Okay, not gonna cry about the Christmas thing.

I'm gonna cry because my trip to Wyoming has been delayed until mid-month. I'm sad, but my mom was sadder. She was almost in tears when she called to tell me, which nearly made me cry, too. But I am going!! I am!! And I can hardly wait.

I must be the weirdest person alive. I am basically a night person--I will go to bed at four a.m. and be perfectly happy to be up all night.

It's dark at night--right?

Are you following me?

But here's the thing--I hate the fact that it is now dark outside, at five p.m. I hate that the days are so short and that the sun will disappear before six for the next couple of months.

Why should that even bother me? I'm up at night! In the dark! Every day, all year!

But the fact is, it really does bother me. And of course, I don't go to sleep at daylight and get up when the sun goes down. I try to sleep about six hours--I TRY--but I'm up during the daytime for several hours. (I consider daytime sunrise until eight p.m.) As far as I'm concerned, I should be getting twelve hours of daylight EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Yeah, yeah, I know it doesn't work that way. Not here, in Colorado. Not in Wyoming. I would have to live near the equator. No fluctuation to day and night hours. No seasons. I could deal with the day/night thing. But I like seasons.

So clearly, I'm weird and unreasonable. And even if I could win an argument about daylight savings time--which saves no daylight at all--it would still be dark earlier at this time of the year, and there would still be fewer hours of daylight overall.

I lose. Bummer.

11:24 p.m.

Well, I got a little sidetracked, but I'm back!

All these delays in my trip to Wyoming have reminded me why I always wait until the last minute to pack.

Not really, I'm just the Procrastination Queen.

But, honestly--if I had packed, I just would have had to break into my suitcase like ten times already. So my procrastinating ways have paid off in spades this time. Yay, me!

December 3, 2016
12:12 a.m.

Oh, my gosh, I have to get an un-distracted button!

Your win--a two-in-one! It's officially a new day, and I'm wondering what the heck the little dog ate, because--phew! What stinky farts she's producing! Had to send her across the room to sleep. How can anything that cute be so smelly?

I thought I'd be quietly snoozing myself by now. I took some Nyquil, which usually makes me sleepy, but it doesn't seem to be doing its job right now. On anything. Still sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching and not sleeping. Bad advertising, man!

Is it just the musician in me, or does it bother everyone to see actors pretending to play an instrument they clearly have no idea how to play, and doing it so badly that even those of us who are not musicians should clearly be able to tell that they never took a music lesson in their lives? Am I being mean?

Uh...I think I need to try to go to bed now.

Good night.