Tuesday, April 24, 2018

April 24, 2018
8:53 p.m.

So, do you ever watch some of the crap going down these days, be it Twitter rants, bad policy making, rude cashiers, trolls, school shootings...whatever...and wonder: just where are those nice young men in their clean white coats who should be coming to take them away, ha ha, coming to take them away, ho ho, to the funny farm?
I sure do.

Seriously, folks, they're rolling back EPA guidelines and opening up the whole country to policy that will take us back decades?! What about our kids? What about our grandchildren? Don't they deserve clean air and water?

I guess not. As long as someone rakes in the bucks, out future generations can just go to hell. Oh, wait. They won't have to. Hell is coming to them.

Hurray for the Almighty Dollar.

These people are making me grouchy. Grrr...

Have you ever held things that were bugging you back for, like years, until one day the person you've been all reluctant to confront finally says the wrong thing and you just explode all over them and tell them everything they've ever done to piss you off since the day you met them?

Yeah, that never ends well.

Old stuff, by the way, with no explanations forthcoming. I just seem to be in a "Have you ever?" frame of mind tonight.

Okay, here's one: Have you ever sat down with a whole pie with the intention to eat the whole thing by yourself? If your answer is yet, then 1. What kind of pie was it? And 2. Were you able to finish it off?

For those of you wondering: No, I never did that. But once, years ago, I baked a batch of brownies thinking I would take them in my lunch all week. But of course, I had to try one. It was so good, I had another. For the rest of the day, every time I came into the kitchen, I helped myself to a brownie, and at the end of the day...well, needless to say, I didn't get brownies in my lunch.

In my defense, it took me all day to eat them.

Yeah, never mind. That's not much of a defense, is it?

Um...have you ever washed a load of clothes and then forgotten about them for a couple of days? Ew!
What a waste of water and detergent, huh?


Have you ever hated the shoes you wore to work so much that you went to buy new ones on your lunch break?

Oh, what a relief!

Have you ever pretended to remember someone because they clearly do remember you?

God, I hate when that happens! I don't even have the option of running home to drag out a yearbook to try and figure it out, since I lost those things when my house burned down. And honestly, who's to say they remember me from school? Maybe I sold them a movie ticket in 1975.

Oh, here's a good one: Have you ever bothered to return the pen you stole from the bank or the store after signing something?

I'm going to leave you with that.

Come on, people, leave a comment. Answer one of my "Have you ever" questions.

Good night!

Monday, April 16, 2018

April 16, 2018
9:09 p.m.

I am a vivid dreamer.

So many times in my life I have awakened and spent several minutes re-orienting myself. What just happened? Was it real? Did I take something out of the refrigerator? Did I check on the kids? Did I hear something outside? Did the front door blow open?

And so I walk through the house. The door is shut, everything appears to be calm and quiet outside, the kids are sleeping peacefully, the fridge is closed and nothing has been taken out.

Except...one time the milk was left out. I don't know if I did it or not, but it was a hot summer night, so it was good to get it put away before it soured. 

Except...one time a child was moaning and sweaty and running a fever, but didn't wake up and cry until I was already in the room.

Except...one night there was an ambulance at the neighbor's house, lights flashing but no sirens.

Except...one night a winter storm had blown six inches of snow into the open living room door.

What does it mean?

Heck if I know.

These things have happened to me all my life. I have also had dreams of regular, everyday nonsense, then experienced the exact same conversations, dropped pencils, sneezing fits and tripping on curbs the next day.

When I was a kid, it used to scare me, especially when I would try to insist that something or other had already happened and everyone else looked at me like my cheese had slip off my cracker.

When I got older, it didn't happen as often, and as an adult, it has been only an occasional thing.
Not the vivid dreams, but the deja vu inducing dreams. I kind of miss them.

Now, understand that those particular dreams never predicted anything of any use to me. I may have dreamt I stepped in a pile of dog poo, for example, but it never saved me from doing it in real life. I didn't recognize any of the warning signs that may have helped me avoid poo on the shoe, or falling down, or dropping my school books in the mud. So as far as they went, the dreams were essentially useless as a tool for better living.

I would expect, however, that as an adult I might be better able to interpret predictive dreams and respond appropriately.

It rarely works out that way. 

I NEVER dreamt that dancing in my living room would lead to nearly seven months on crutches.

I NEVER dreamt that my house would burn down.

I'm more likely to have dreamt that I went into the bathroom, sat on the toilet--

and woke up just in time to avoid wetting the bed.

Yeah, REALLY useful stuff.

Especially when you're on crutches.

Okay, that's more like a nightmare, right?

Stop laughing. I made it. (I crawled. Fast.)

My favorite vivid dreams are visitation dreams. A grandparent, aunt or uncle, old friend--living or dead, it doesn't matter. They come and have a conversation with you. Sometimes it can be sad, sometimes inspiring, sometimes just silly or inane, but it can be so real, so personal, that it is hard to believe, once you wake, that is was just a dream.

I don't have these dreams nearly often enough. Usually they lead to nothing but feelings. But once in awhile they lead to really important decision-making.

I realize that my subconscious is probably responsible for all these dreams, but sometimes I just have to believe that stronger outside forces push their way in when I need them.

Why not? We all need a push from time to time. Right?

You know. So we don't wet the bed.

10:04 p.m.

I decided to watch the re-boot of  "Lost in Space" on Netflix.

Okay, it's not the "Lost in Space" I grew up loving so much so long ago, but it has been very competently updated. The characters are quite different, but absolutely believable. The "robot" is super creepy. You can really love to hate Dr. Smith--who, by the way, is now a female.

I'm only a few episodes in, of course, so this is just a preliminary assessment. But I have to say it--so far, so good!

Now, I must get a little work done on my book before turning in.

Good night!

Friday, April 13, 2018

April 13, 2018
12:45 p.m.

Ah, tax season. It's almost deadline time, everyone. Get a move on!

I prepare taxes for a few people each year, and it's interesting to me how things vary from state to state. Wyoming taxes are straightforward: Federal only, no state or city taxes to prepare and file. Nice.

I have to say I am not looking forward to next year's tax season. I'm likely to need to take a class to learn all the new tax laws. *sigh*

Why is there so much month left at the end of my paycheck? I don't do anything...

My mother is doing well with recovery from knee replacement surgery.

I was so happy to have my brother and sister here during the first week. they were a huge help, and it was so nice to have a chance to just visit with them with no particular rush. That rarely happens, as one or the other of us usually has to get home soon.

Yesterday morning they had to leave, and then the house became really quiet. I didn't realize we were so noisy!

My brother and his wife have a cute little Chijuajua mix, six months old and cute as a button. She acts just like a human toddler, I swear. I would love to get her and my granddaughters together; they'd wear each other out and I'll bet they'd be funny and cute enough to provide us with hours of entertainment.

Mom and Dad really like the dog. They need a dog of their own, it would be so good for them. I think having a pet around is so good for people.

The April birthday bash began this week with my now-5-year-old grandson. Next week one granddaughter turns 16, the next day another turns 15, and then in week number three the oldest turns 19. Then I get a break until May. Whew!

How on earth did these kids get so old so fast?

Speaking of old, how can it be possible that this year marks my 40th year since graduating High School? 40 years! Holy cow! We have a reunion coming up, in Las Vegas of all places. I doubt that I will make it. And I don't understand the logic of having a class reunion in another place; we are not from anywhere near Las Vegas. It sounds like some fun things are planned, but I really cannot afford to fly out, pay for hotel and food and all. Not with my budget.

Another classmate organized a home-town get together later this summer, though, and I plan to be here for that. I already have a place to stay! Ha ha!

I hit a snag on my book and have basically started over. I didn't have to scrap anything, but I do have to adjust the sequence of events. Grandma told me so.

Ghost dreams are so vivid.

I miss the babies.

Well, I am thinking it might be time for lunch, so I'm going to go see what I can feed my parents. (Maybe leftover meatloaf. Yum.)

Until we meet again!

Monday, April 9, 2018

April 8, 2018
11:27 p.m.

It has been a very busy week!

On Easter Sunday I boarded a plane and flew from Denver to Salt Lake City. There I was picked up by my sister and brother-in-law, and my parents.

I love to fly. It's quick and generally comfortable, and I enjoy the whole sensation of being airborne. Oddly enough, I was on a flight that was only about half full, and like a dingbat, I chose a seat overlooking the wing!! What was I thinking? Only when banking was I able to really see the ground, but it worked out well enough when we flew over the Great Salt Lake. Wow, it really is great! HUGE!

We stayed at the hospital guest house, which is very nice. Spacious room, comfortable bed, nice staff and a great breakfast service. That last is really important when you have to stay for a few days. It gives you more preparation time in the mornings, and you can relax a bit before taking a trek to the hospital.

Mom's knee replacement surgery went well. It was done on Monday, and she was feeling well enough to head back to Wyoming on Wednesday. We actually got out of there before noon, which is miraculous in my experience.

On Friday my brother and sister arrived here from their homes elsewhere in Wyoming. It has been nice to have them around helping out with everything.

My brother's wife came for the kiddo's wrestling matches in Friday and Saturday, so their little girl was here hanging out with us. Said little girl is the adorable four-footed Bella, who was not entirely thrilled to be left here without Mama and Daddy, so she elected my father--Grandpa--as her champion while my brother and his wife attended the wrestling matches. She sat on his lap and tricked him into giving her snacks and was generally an all around cutie-pie.

Well, my sister-in-law and the boys went home this morning, and we sure do miss the puppy. Oh, we miss her and the boys, too!

My brother will be here a few more days, and my sister may stay on even longer, and it's nice having them around, because I usually only get to see them on the fly.

I have cooked a few meals, and now we have lots of leftovers. One of these days I will figure out how to cook for fewer people. I still haven't gotten the hang of it!

Mom took a tumble this morning getting out of bed and gave us quite a scare. So glad my brother was here. He was able to just pick her right up. I could never have done that. I called her home health nurse to give her a good looking over; she's fine, but she's got a good goose-egg on her forehead.

Falls are crazy, you know? First you're up, then you're down, and whatever went on in between is none of your business. Mom hasn't fallen since my son was a baby (he's 39!) I, on the other hand, fall all the dang time, and I have learned that it is best just to go on down without a fight. Every time I try to stay on my feet, I just end up pulling every muscle in my body! But that's me, and I don't want my Mama to fall at all EVER.

After the nurse left my brothers and dad all got together and assessed the bedroom arrangements and made a few changes to make things safer in there. This is not to say that it was terribly dangerous, but improvements are always possible.

Mom has had more pain in the aftermath of this knee replacement than she had with the first one, and I think she is feeling disappointed and let down, because she expected everything to go more or less the same as last time. I suppose we all did, really, and it's hard to see her in pain. Hopefully as we go into week two, everything will start getting easier.

I'm going to go try and get a bit of sleep, since last night didn't go well in that regard.

Good night, all!!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

March 31. 2018
10:59 p.m.

While I am always up for a nice visit with my parents and Wyoming family, I have to admit how hard it always is for me to leave Colorado.

In spite of all the many, many ridiculous problems I have with this old house, it has become home. Kids are here, and grandkids, too. The toddler is at an age where she's becoming really interesting to be around, and I think I will miss a lot of her upcoming ground breakers. She's so funny and busy. (Also bratty and a general pain in the butt. Ha ha.) She's so smart, and she literally never forgets anything. She talks about things we did months ago, gets all the names right, and the details are amazing.

I wish I could do that!!

I love to listen to her when she thinks she's unobserved, telling stories to her dolls and toys, singing her alphabet and counting--she's hit forty just recently, with very, very little prompting. She names colors and she's pretty adept at naming the characters in anything she's watched more than once.

I would love to be comfortably well off enough to set her up with a Minnie Mouse bedroom.

Maybe I'll win the lottery. Ha ha!

The other toddler--just turned two--is a huge Moana fan. She's starting to talk a lot, and she sings all the songs quite well.

Her big brother also had a birthday this month. Gosh, my babies are growing up way too fast.

My son is also a March baby--but he hit the big 3-9 this year, and we're both freaking out a little. I'm not old enough to have a near-40-year-old kid!!

And now March is over, and I'm headed out to meet my folks in Salt Lake City tomorrow. So I am hoping against hope that all the April babies--four of them!!--keep me well up to date with pictures and stuff this next month.

A word of advise to anyone living in the Federal Heights, Colorado area-- do not patronize the Burger King restaurant at 104th and Federal Blvd. They need to get their act together before they kill someone. Dang, what I night! (March 30th) My stomach is still in a state of turmoil, and I have to fly tomorrow; I am most unhappy. I would blame it all on my own tummy issues, but everyone who had their food yesterday at my house had a miserable night. We were giving Burger King their last chance yesterday, since over the last few months they have consistently messed up orders, delivered cold food, etc. Now we are done with them.

Someone remind me to post a bad review on Yelp. And Google. And anywhere else I can gripe and complain and hopefully make them get their @#$%  together.

I have enjoyed a few of the memes out there regarding the fact that Easter and April Fool's are falling on the same day this year. I especially liked the one suggesting that we send the kids out to hunt for eggs we haven't hidden.

How mean! Hee hee!

Speaking of Easter, I have never been a big fan of Easter Bunnies, and baskets and colored eggs. I was raised with a family who did all those things every year, but it never made any sense to me. We would check out our baskets and then go to Easter Mass, then come home and hunt Easter eggs and have a huge meal and eat a ton on candy.

And it was nice, you know? Especially when we would make the trip to Denver and all the Aunts, Uncles and cousins were there. Grandpa and Grandma spent a great deal of time and effort with all the preparations, and it was really wonderful.

But the Bunny and the baskets and the egg hunt were never the big thing to me. It was having all the family together, having a nice meal and all the interesting conversations.

Not that I didn't eat some of the candy. Pure chocolate stuff, I kept. Peeps, marshmallow filled anything, jelly beans and stuff I would count out and divide for my siblings, because...yuck. I was your basic Hershey's kiss and hollow chocolate bunny eater. Beyond that, Easter candy is pretty icky.

I was always hanging around with the grownups, because I loved to hear the stories they told each other about growing up. I'm grateful for all that now, since it has given me lots of ideas for my writing. But there's a part of me, now, that is a little sad that I didn't hang out with the kids more. I get together with cousins now, and they have all these stories with my siblings that I have no real way to relate to, because I wasn't a part of that.

Trade offs. I needed to be two people. That's all.

What I really needed was Hermoine Granger's time turner. Then I could have done both, and I would have twice as many stories!

Wow! That would have been awesome.

April 1, 2018
12:32 a.m.

Well, the midnight hour has come and gone, so I will take to opportunity now to wish you all a Blessed Easter.

Also, don't go hunt eggs without making sure someone actually hid them.

Let's see. What else?

Never mind. I have never been good at the old April Fool thing. So I'll just say good night, go to bed and go right to sleep.


Good night.