Wednesday, January 30, 2019

January 30, 2019
4:03 p.m.

I'm going to start this post off by plugging my own books. I almost never use this platform to do that, but I've decided that if I'm really going to do this, I am going to have to self-promote once in a while.

I have an author page on Amazon, where all my books can be found. I'm sometimes unable to believe I have something like this going on--writing was a dream of mine since childhood that I thought would never happen in real life, but here it is:

Paula's Amazon Author Page

My newest novella can be found there, and I really had fun designing the cover:

Honestly, cover design can be frustrating. For most of my books, I have used photos I took myself. The other two used stock photos, but I am in the process of designing new covers for those as well. I want my covers to be original and unique to my own works.

Up until now, I have used selfies for my author photos, but over the Christmas holiday, I had head shots taken, courtesy of my son and daughter-in-law. So we may see new back-cover designs on all my books soon, with nice new author photos. 

Four of my books follow a character who has regular conversations with deceased relatives who give her research material that lead to solving mysteries or just explaining inaccurate reporting regarding family history. The other two books have nothing to do with Emma at all.

Currently in the works: A sequel to the original Emma novel, the third novella in the Roger series (also Emma), and something completely different from any of the other books.

I also have an author page on Facebook, where you're as likely to get updates on baking cookies, snowfall and our little dog Molly as you are to get updates on my writing. 

Okay, that's enough plugging for now. Go visit my pages. Like and follow, please! Watch for deals! Buy a book or two. Thank you very much!

It looks like we have a busy summer ahead of us. Two family reunions! I love reunions. I'm hoping both are well-attended this year. 

Two comic conventions, one in Denver and one in Salt Lake City, are on my radar. I absolutely must find the time for Denver. SLC is hopefully doable, too, but I won't die if I can't make that one. 

First, though, I have to finish up dental work and have a physical, which means at least two trips to Denver before the comic convention. 

I love to travel, but it is increasingly difficult for me to be away from my parents. I just stress out the whole time I'm not here. It's not like I don't have wonderful backup from my brothers and sisters, it's just that I'm somewhat of a control freak, I guess. 

Anyway, I will find a way to make all this work out. The reunions are easy, because they have to go, too. Ha ha!

I am amazed in this moment that the dog has not interrupted my writing yet. For the past few weeks, every time I sit down at the keyboard, she begins to demand my full attention. This must be the optimal time of day to do it--she's taking a nap! And I think she does that every day around this time. Hmm, four-ish might have to be my new work time...

I'll let you know how that goes. She's a pup. She's not predictable. 

Is it just me, or does everyone have that moment in the day when they realize that there's no actual dinner plan and nothing--NOTHING!--sounds good?

But, hey! I made ham and bean tostadas for lunch. That's a new one for me, and I've never heard of anyone else doing that. They were pretty tasty!

So now I am full of beans--literally--and dinner time is coming up pretty quickly. What to do, what to do?

Oddly enough, I have done practically no reading the last couple of weeks. What is wrong with me?

Okay, my peeps, it has been great, but now I really must fly upstairs and figure out what to feed the grownups.

Until we meet again!


Friday, January 18, 2019

January 18, 2019
12:42 p.m.

Well, I have been back in Wyoming for 16 days now, and I have spent a considerable amount of that time not feeling well.


I flew back here from Denver on January 2nd. I went to the airport with a friend who was also flying out that day, and as he had only a small carry-on and was going somewhere entirely different than I, he was able to get through security quickly.

I, on the other hand, had a bag to check. The line was outrageously long, but moved along more quickly that you'd think possible due to the efficiency of the workers. Still, I was an hour just getting to the front of the line to check my bag and get a boarding pass, and then I still had to make my way through security.

I met my friend for breakfast, and then he left me to go catch his flight east.

I went to my own concourse area and began the job of waiting around. I was on a list for a possible second flight, and was wildly hoping that it wouldn't prove necessary to wait even longer. Luckily, I wasn't bumped! Whew!

Denver International Airport is ridiculously huge. A person could spend days there and not see it all, I'll bet. I've never made any attempt to see more than absolutely necessary--I would probably get lost.

Flights to Wyoming take off from far, far away from the main entrances. It is quite a walk from the underground train to the gates. Thank goodness for those wonderful moving walkways.

Going from a huge airport to the tiny Rock Springs, Wyoming airport is a bit of a shock. Not as much of a shock as going from Rock Springs to Denver, admittedly, but still, the difference is always a bit mind boggling.

I got off the plane, walked a few feet, went inside--and there I was. No walking, no underground train, no escalators. Just--there! And there was my brother, no searching required.

Ahhhh! After a long, long day at DIA, that was nice.

It is cold here. It has been cold all year!! Hahaha!

Anyway, I have had a dumb cold that started in Denver and has hung on ever since I got here. Hack and cough, so much fun.

I am happy to report that Molly Mutt-Doggle missed me and was so excited to see me. That made me feel good.

This little dog is a joy to have around, but she is exactly like a toddler sometimes. She makes messes, wakes up in the middle of the night and wants to play, and creates chaos wherever she goes. She's so much fun.

I say she missed me, but I also have to admit that for the two weeks I was gone, I really missed her, too.

4:53 p.m.

Quesadillas and chicken soup went over well with the parents today. I couldn't quite manage mine. I have been less than careful of my diet lately and the good old gastroparesis is reminding me that I can't do stupid things like that. I've been nauseated and headachy all day on top of the cold, so I feel a trifle grumpy at the moment.

I'm also in a week-long bout of insomnia. Whee!

I am FANTASTIC, oh boy.

I'm kind of confused about book sales this week. I ran a special, a countdown, and reduced the price of my Kindle version on the newest book. I looked at sales after the special ended, and most of my sales were paperbacks at full price.

I'm not complaining, mind you. Hurray, and thanks to everyone who purchased. But, as I said, that confused me. Of course, I do understand that lots of people just prefer a real book to an e-book.

I sometimes feel like people don't see the sales until they're almost over, but I don't know how to get the information out in any more of a timely manner than posting and re-posting over and over all day long until people get sick of seeing my stuff.

Anyway, I am grateful for every sale, so thanks!

And, by the way, if you're interested, here is the link to my Amazon Author Page, where you can find all my books:

Paula's Author Page

I hope you'll check it out. It would be great if you'd give me a follow!

Okay, I love you guys, but I'm sick. (Insert sad face here!) I'm going to go lay down and binge watch something and hopefully take a nap. (Yeah, right!)

I know I need to do some serious catching up. I will try!

Off to lots of blankets and fluids and stuff.


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

January 1, 2019
8:30 p.m.

My bags are packed, I'm ready to go.

Not really!

Luckily, I don't have too much more to do and I really will be ready.

It would be nice if I could see straight. I think I've overdone the cold medicine!

Flying out of Denver and back to Wyoming tomorrow. I hear it's cold out there.

So, I did accomplish a couple of things in 2018. I did a Goodreads challenge last year and read 62 books! I went a little crazy and decided to read a bunch of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's books and stories. I read 20 of his books. Some were short story collections. Read some Stephen King and some autobiographies. But while doing this challenge I also did some reviews of books written by less known authors, and so I found some new authors to keep an eye on.

Along the way I published some stuff. That's always cool.

I went back and forth between Colorado and Wyoming a lot.

I did two comic book conventions, one in Denver and one in Salt Lake. Met VERY cool people.

Lots of family time. Always wonderful.

So 2018 wasn't a total bust!

I gotta pack.

Happy New Year!