Monday, September 29, 2014

September 29, 2014
1:30 p.m.

I must consider remodeling--or at least refurnishing--my room. It is very boring back there!

I haven't posted since the wee hours of Saturday morning, because really, all I could do was gripe. I've had a little practice on my crutches since then, and all I can say is: I suck at using crutches!

I also suck at being unable to do things for myself. I feel like a real ass every time I ask for a glass of water. I suppose I could crutch to the sink and drink a whole glass standing there, but I like having a glass handy. I need a water bottle in the perfect size to stick into my cleavage!

Cleavage is very handy, you know. I managed yesterday to stuff all my pill bottles into my bra and cleavage to carry out to my desk and refill my weekly pill box. You should have heard me rattle! Ha ha!

Of course, my first attempt was a failure, and picking them up off the floor was no fun, but I did it!

Anyway, I'm supposed to spend most of my time with my foot elevated, which means staying in my room on the bed, which is just...tedious. I need a chair with a footrest.

Yeah, like I have room in there for that.

I'm just not a stay in bed type. Unless I am so sick I actually sleep, I want to be up and out of my room. I'm not sick unto sleepiness, I'm just a little battered. Lemme out! So I'm up and at my desk, but I will be a good girl and go back to my room to elevate my foot soon. I promise.

Or I may get into the massage chair and read for awhile! Yeah! That will elevate my foot, and I can read! I am almost finished with book five of Game of Thrones.  It is so good, I have kept trying to read the series slowly so I can savor it. Of course, now I want to re-watch the series, as well!

2:52 p.m.

Wow, we just got a wild hail storm! It lasted a few minutes and now it;s just raining lightly. I couldn't see a thing out the window while it was happening. Glad I was still up! I'm headed for the chair.


Saturday, September 27, 2014

September 27, 2014
12:19 a.m.

I have just popped two Aleve, and when they kick in I'm going to bed to try to sleep away this awful day. (I hope I can sleep!!)

Well, not the 27th. The 26th.

First of all, September 26th is a pretty good day. It's my oldest daughter's birthday. So that's a good thing.

The bad thing is I spent over half the day in terrific pain, and several hours in the Emergency Room.

It all started out as such a promising day! But I made a big mistake. I decided to skip my shower until after I had some breakfast. Then I decided to further skip it until after exercise.

So dumb.

My son and I decided to dance for exercise, so he set up the Wii and I did some stretches to warm up.

Then we started dancing, and the first time I came down hard on my right foot, I tore my Achilles tendon.

Dang, that hurt.

Now, since I did this on my left foot in 2009, I know exactly what I'd done. Only, the last time I did it, it wasn't this painful. I could still walk on it.

Not this time. I had to use a chair like a walker to get around until a friend took me to the emergency room a few hours later. I had iced it all afternoon hoping that it would improve, but...nope.

So I spent over three hours there--they were so busy--and had some ex-rays. Finally saw a doctor long enough for him to assure me that I hadn't broken my foot. I told him I already knew that, and that I suspected a torn Achilles tendon. He agreed with me that it's probably a partial tear. So lucky, because if it had torn completely, I'd be in surgery right now.

I got myself a new boot, but I was unable to bear weight on it even once I was booted up. Now I know for sure it's worse than when I tore the left one. The boot was like a miracle worker that time. Not this time.

So I got some crutches. The tech insisted that she needed to lengthen them so I would't lean. She said that would be better for my shoulders. Well, I have arthritis in my hands and shoulders, and when I tried them I nearly fell and stepped backward--hard--at least two times on this foot. Up to that point I had handled the pain pretty well, but that brought some tears to my eyes!

So she shortened the crutches and had me try using them. I went a little way, and my hands were a screaming pair of useless lumps.

She went and got a wheelchair to take me to the car. And I thanked her very much!

When we got home I crawled up the porch steps. Easier.

In my own house, the crutches are a bit easier. It'll take some practice. Hopefully I will be able to bear weight tomorrow.

For tonight, I'm done.

Wish me luck on sleeping! Good night!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

September 23, 2014
8:55 p.m.

I wonder how many other people out there get cramps in their feet or toes while doing stair-stepper exercises. I mean, before I can go on to the next exercise, I have to walk off foot cramps! Zowds!

Physical therapy is a joy.

Okay, I'm overweight and out of shape. Yet I have so far not had trouble doing any of the things my therapist has me doing. It's just as I finish something that my body says, "Oh! Oh, we're exercising? I should probably make a fuss about this. Here ya go! Have a foot cramp!"

Um, I lied. One exercise really hurt: walking sideways. My hips do okay forward and back, but side motion--OW! And I expected pain going left, but going right was just as bad.

I have a feeling this is just a warm up. But if it helps in the long run, I'm in. (I just have to figure out how I'm going to afford this.)

I have to say, though, I really like my therapist. She's very nice.

So today's big fuss is over whether or not Facebook is really going to charge us for using it. All I know is, I am NOT paying.

It's not true, anyway. Chill out, people.

Ouch, I'm sore! Calling it a day soon. Night, all!

Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22, 2014
2:26 p.m.

Telemarketers are like date-rapists. You tell them no, repeatedly, and they just keep coming at you!
What part of "no" don't they understand?!


"No, I'm not interested. Thank you."

"But if you will just--"

"I'm not interested. Thanks for calling."

"But if I could--"

"Not interested. Thank you."

"But I--"

"I said no! Thank you!" Click.

Okay, I know it's my fault. All those "thank yous". What am I thinking?

It's just that I was raised to be polite. I hate it when people are rude to me, so I don't want to be rude to anyone else.

I think I may take it too far sometimes, though.

For example, I always apologize to beggars for not having any change for them. I don't carry cash for a reason--I'm a sucker and I would be broke before I got my errands done. But I have been known to hand out the candy bar I was saving for later--or my lunch!

Come on, you know they ask for money to eat, but they're going to use it to buy booze or drugs. I did them a favor by giving my lunch!

Anyway, I was griping about telemarketers, who are really just paid beggars, right? Only they have your phone number and will accost you at dinnertime. And they don't want your lunch, they want your grocery money for the year.

I don't know why I bother to answer the phone, really. I tell myself it's because I don't want to have to clear off all the messages later.

Maybe I just need to learn how to be rude sometimes.

Probably not.

I guess I will just gripe about them here.

I have gotten a bit more information about Lupus. Kristin Johnston (of "The Exes"!!--doing silly geek-out dance and squealing "Eeek!") tweeted me with a web site that was very informative. What a courageous and gracious woman. I love her even more now for taking the time to communicate with me.

The website is I found a lot of interesting information and other links here. Very helpful.

I still don't know if this is what is ailing me. A definitive diagnosis is difficult. Even if it's not, the information is good to know. After all, I am a medical coder! Knowledge is power.

I have physical therapy tomorrow and another doctor appointment next week. The journey continues.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 21, 2014
10:10 p.m.

Since I am not a techno-savvy person, it took me awhile, but I managed at last to post on RTD's Facebook page how pleased I was with Hector, the driver who helped me with my neighbor the other day. I hope they can do something nice for him.

(In case you're wondering, see yesterday's post.)

Still have not complained about being utterly ignored by the park patrol. I really should do that, I just hate complaining. But--BUT--they do need to be more vigilant. That's what they're here for! Okay, okay, I'm gonna gripe.

Ugh. Now all I can think about is griping. I don't wanna.

Should I?

10:46 p.m.

So I'm sitting here listening to my son and daughter-in-law playing a video game. They have on headphones and are carrying on conversations in-game with each other and at least one other player who I cannot hear. They're kind of hilarious at times. I'm in headphones, too, but every time my music stops, I end up listening to them while I choose a new album. So funny.

(Just a side note--I can still hear them over the music. I like it loud, but I'm not crazy. Ha ha!)

As I mentioned yesterday, I started physical therapy for my hip. I guess I should say hips, although the left is worse than the right. side to side mobility wasn't enough to even be measured. That's discouraging!

My therapist gave me some exercises to do at home, and I must say: Ouch! But I am doing them. Stretching out the old hamstrings and calves. Forcing some side to side hip motion. Then trying to walk everyday. Nothing drastic. But, as I said--ouch.

I finally made another doctor appointment. I was supposed to return in three weeks, but--hey, this is me we're talking about. Broke, as always. So it had to wait. I know my doctor wants me in physical therapy every week, too, but broke people need to go less often. Oh, well! She;ll forgive me.

I have to say I'm a little worried about all this, though. I have been on anti-inflammatory medication all month, and at first I felt better, but then the pain started getting bad again. My fingers and toes are so painful! It hurts to type or hold a book, and my handwriting looks atrocious! It hurts to walk. Nothing on me wants to bend. I'm tired all the time, but I can't sleep. I know I'm a raving insomniac, but this is worse, because it is pain keeping me awake, on top of my ever-talking brain!

Oh, boo hoo, Someone tell me to shut up, please.

Anyway, more P.T coming up this week and doctor next week. Hurrah.

The doctor suspects Lupus. I asked before, but got no real information. Does anyone out there know anything about Lupus? What might I be looking at here?

When I started reading the "Game of Thrones" books, I was also reading a couple of other books at the same time. But now that I'm in book number four, I just have to read it exclusively until I finish book five. This is good stuff, people!

Enough, already. Everyone--have a great night!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

September 20, 2014
3:21 p.m.

Today I am finally going to share a story with you. This happened on September 9th, and I've been going back and forth in my mind about sharing it, because I didn't have a conclusion. Now, at last, there's an "end" to it.

No excuses for my silence in between now and my last post. I'm sick. That's all I know, and it will have to be enough for now, since those answers are as yet unknown. Just tired out and typing hurts. Sorry! (I'm about to make up for it somewhat, and pain be damned.)

So, here's my little story:

On September 9th I had my first physical therapy appointment. I'd called the day before to have our local Call-N-Ride bus pick me up and take me. Due to their schedule, I was slated to arrive about an hour early, but I didn't mind that. I figured I'd get myself a fancy coffee before the torture commenced,

About 10:45 a.m. I received a phone call from my driver, who confessed that he was a little lost. I gave him detailed directions, figuring I'd have a few more minutes to goof off before he got here.

But for some reason, I decided I'd grab my bag and go outside to wait for him. Detailed directions from me might not be the greatest directions, I thought.

I went outside, and decided to go to the front of my house to watch for him. As I was walking around, I noticed my neighbor across the street struggling with her garbage can. It looked like she was trying to wrestle it back up on the curb.

I called to her to wait and I'd help her. Just as I got to her, she went down on all fours.

"Oh, crap!" I cried, rushing to her. "Are you alright? Let me help you up." I offered my hand and she took it, hers feeling damp and limp in my own. "I won't pull," I told her. "I don't want to hurt you." I braced myself to help her pull herself up. She gave a weak tug. No way was she getting up.

Okay, so this was not a simple fall. This was a collapse. Oh, dear.

"Is anyone home?" I asked her. I knew perfectly well that I couldn't pick her up.

"My brother," she mumbled.

"What's his name?"

Unintelligible answer.

No problem. "Hello. the house!" I called. "Hey, anybody home? Hello?!"

Nothing. In my defense, I'm not a great shouter. Also, no one was home.

I asked her name and she told me. I noted bruising on her arms, and the tell-tale leavings if band-aids, and asked her, "Have you been in the hospital?"

"Yes," she said. "I got out yesterday. I'm fine now. You can go."

"Nope, don't think so. You got out of the hospital yesterday?"

"Yes, Sunday."

"Okay...? Today is Tuesday."

"Oh. I'm fine. You can go. I'll get up in a minute."

"I'll stay with you. Want to try again?" I was still bent over, holding her hand.

Weak tug. Not happening. No way was I leaving.

I heard a vehicle and looked up hopefully. Great! It was the park patrol truck. I waved to them. They drove right by us without even glancing at us.

That reminds me--gotta complain about those guys when I pay the rent. Look out, patrol guys. You suck!

I saw my neighbor who lives on the other side of me, and waved at him. He walked into his house. I don't know if he saw me or not. Jeez, Louise, what a world.

"Why were you in the hospital?" I asked. "Did you have surgery?"


"Have you had any bleeding?"


Her words were slurring now. Where were all the neighbors? Why did the patrol truck just drive on by? My cell phone was in my bag, but I was afraid to let go of her, afraid she'd hit the ground.

Then, oh thank God, my ride appeared. He'd gone down the wrong street and come back up and ended up right where I needed him. I waved and yelled out "Here! I'm your rider! Help us, please!"

He put his vehicle in park, got out and helped me get the woman to her feet. "Oh!" she declared. "I feel better already! You may go."

"Nope." That was me and the driver together. If we hadn't been there holding on to her, she would have gone right back down.

"Hold her," I told him. "I'm going to see if anyone is home." I ran to their front door and banged on it, calling out for anyone to come to the door, Nothing, Not even the dogs. Hmmm.

I went back to the woman and driver, put my arm around her to support her weight, and said, "Call

"I'll call 911," the driver said simultaneously. We smiled tensely at each other. He made the call. then he called his dispatch to let them know he'd be running late.

I knew that my neighbors had chairs in their yard, as I can see them sitting outside when I'm at my desk, so I sent the driver around to fetch a chair and we eased her into it. I rubbed her back and we waited for the ambulance.

I continued talking to her, but could no longer understand any of her answers.

The police arrived first. I told him the woman's name, showed him where I lived, confirmed that we were in the driveway of the house where she lived and that no one else was home. I told him she'd said she was just out of the hospital and had had surgery. EMTs arrived, and things were getting crowded.

My driver moved his vehicle across the street, in front of my house. I took my leave of the scene once the police told me it was okay to go, and the driver took me to my appointment.

Whew! What a morning. I felt like I'd already had a workout. But I still had an appointment to keep.

Well, physical therapy isn't fun, and it was my first appointment with them, so it was all about testing. Whee. Apparently my hip mobility on the right is pretty bad, and on the left couldn't even be measured. Always good news. Arthritis is not fun, my friends.

I could barely pay attention, though, because I was still preoccupied with my neighbor. Was she alright? Did they take her to the hospital?

After therapy I had to wait for my return ride, so I text messaged my son. He and his significant other had been out when all this went down, so I wanted to know if they'e gotten home in time to see anything. (I'm so nosy!)

He told me there'd been an ambulance there when they arrived home minutes after I'd left, and that our neighbor looked like she was awake and aware. They came inside the house and put things away and when they looked out again everyone was gone.

When I was picked up for my trip home, it was a new driver. I praised his co-worker to the skies and got his name.

Once home I went to the neighbor's to see if anyone was home. Nope. So I watched throughout the rest of the day until I saw someone and ran out to ask about her condition.

He told me she was doing well, but she had stopped breathing in the ambulance! Then he thanked me so much for looking out for her. Well, that was a stroke of luck, no lie. I would never have been outside at that time of day, and certainly not in front where I could have seen her, on any other day. I'm so glad I was!

I'm happy to report that today I was able to speak with her, and she is much better. Apparently, she'd taken her medications on an empty stomach and they overwhelmed her. She said she woke up in the hospital, intubated and pissed off.

When I went out to get today's mail she hailed me from across the street, saying, "I hear I have you to thank for saving my life!" Her brother had told her that Paula had helped her and she said "Who's Paula?" Then she laughed and said it was good to meet me.

I told her I was happy to meet her under better circumstances, and glad to see her looking and sounding so well.

Then she told me how thankful she was that I'd called such handsome paramedics! She's kind of a hoot.

Life can be good, folks. Happy endings are always nice.

To Hector, at Federal Heights Call-N-Ride--you're my hero!

To Federal Heights Police Department, Fire Department, Ambulance Service--You're the best!

To all of you who read my blog--Have a great evening!


Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 2, 2014
10:31 p.m.

Wow, I am a horrible blogger! It's been days since my last post. I have no excuses. Bad me! Bad!

Okay, now I guess I'll be a little more honest.

It's hard for me to put myself out the in a negative way. I've said this before, I know. I just want to present a positive light. But the truth is, I haven't been feeling very positive lately, and so I have avoided writing anything.

I know I have also said in the past that if I'm going to do this, I need to confront the dark side. I guess I prefer not to acknowledge that I have a dark side!

How silly of me!

I've been having a rough time. Ever since I hurt my hip a few weeks ago, I've been in a great deal of pain. What started in my left hip has somehow managed to spread to all my joints. Just typing this now is causing me to wince and mutter. My fingers and wrists are stiff and achy. My elbows and shoulders do not want to bend. Walking hurts my hips, knees, ankles and toes. My neck is stiff. Even my ribs hurt.

I kind of feel like I'm going nuts here. I've tried to talk myself out of it, but I can't get comfortable, and so I haven't been sleeping well. As of tonight I've had about four hours sleep over the last seventy-two hour period.

My brain is feeling pretty stupid. I may begin slurring my words and walking into walls any minute now.

Yes, I went to the doctor. I've had blood tests which came back mostly normal for the test they've run so far. Mostly I was being ruled-out for rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is positive, I've had that for years.

This is the beginning of a chain of rule-out diagnosis, I fear. The suspected diagnosis is Lupus, which has no definitive tests. Bummer.

Internet glitch! Will this save?

Only time will tell!

September 4, 2014
6:10 p.m.

I'm...back at the keyboard again! Finally!

After resolving to post more frequently, I recently went through a very bad patch with my arthritis. I could barely click on the mouse, let alone type. (This did NOT stop my obsessive playing of Farmville, however. Depressing, huh? All you have to do is click.)

To be honest, typing is still hard for me today, but the old hands are finally starting to feel a bit better, and I figure--use it or lose it, baby!

I tried to post night before last, typed up a whole bunch of nonsense, tried to save, and lost the internet!!! Bleepity bleep!

So here I am again--look out world.

I guess I should go back a bit.

I had two of my grandchildren here for a few days near the end of July, and it was wonderful. I went totally "Nana". I roasted a turkey and made all the fixings. We played, we drew, we made jewelry. We watched movies and just had a good old time.

But somewhere in the middle of it all, I was cleaning up the kitchen and putting away leftovers. I bent into the fridge to put away some salad, and I heard this "pop" in my hip and immediately felt a hot, sharp pain. I didn't want to have the kids leave, so I just limped along through the next couple of days and hoped it would feel better soon.

Well, time passed and it did seem to get better--at first. Then the pain started to increase over time, and began to wonder if I might have cracked the iliac crest or somewhere in the region of the sacroiliac joint. I finally called and made a doctor appointment. I wanted to see my own physician, so I had to wait a few days.

Over those few days, suddenly all my joints began to be increasingly painful and swollen. If it was meant to bend, it hurt. I developed a red rash across my cheeks and forehead. I felt exhausted even when I managed to sleep (this is me, you know).

Now, I have had this happen before, including the rash. I have treated it like an acne outbreak in the past, but the time has come for me to admit that this is not acne. It's an inflamed, red and bumpy rash, sometimes quite bad, sometimes almost gone.

This time, it was quite red and felt painful and hot. I rubbed virgin coconut oil into my skin and hoped for the best. I hobbled when I walked because my ankles and feet and toes were so stiff and sore. My knees were swollen and stiff. My hip sang forlorn songs to me, and my back sang back-up. My fingers quit singing and started to sob.

I was one very unhappy camper by the time I went to see the doctor.

So...hip ex-ray: "Paula, you have arthritis in your hip. It's pretty ugly."

Knew that.

"There's some bone deformity, and bone from your hip and bone from your spine that shouldn't even be friends are getting too close together and in danger of fusing."

Didn't know that. Sounds...scary.

Blood panels done, and negative for rheumatoid arthritis. Blood sugar improved by a whopping tenth of a point. Bad cholesterol still in the high-normal-but-lets-get-this-lower range.


I've been on an anti-inflammatory for two weeks now, and my feet and ankles feel better, and the swelling in my knees is much improved. My toes are still pretty painful. My hip and back do not like me yet. My hands hurt like hell but are less swollen and I can type--sort of. Lots of typos going on here, because my left hand is slower than usual.

Tomorrow I start physical therapy to try to increase the mobility in my hip and move those ill-matched bones apart so they don't fuse. I find that I am looking forward to it, although I'm pretty sure I will be an unhappy camper by the end of the appointment.

That's fine, though. Like I said before: move it or lose it.

Then next week it will be back to the doctor for more tests. The possible issue: Lupus.

Lupus is one of those lovely diseases that they have no specific test for. It's more a matter of testing for everything else and ruling those things out before saying, "Yep. Lupus."

Doesn't that sound like fun?

Yeah, that's what I thought, too. Whee!

So that's what I've been up to lately. Maybe I will post tomorrow about the joys of physical therapy!

What's going on in your world?

Sadly, we have lost yet another. Rest in Peace, Joan Rivers.

Robin Williams said:
'When I'm awake, I don't want to go to sleep. I don't want the hassle of turning the light off, putting my head down and then all the thoughts. I don't want all those thoughts'
 I think he was reading my mind. This is why I have the t.v. on in my room, against all the expert advise. If I listen to the t.v., it drowns out all the thoughts that go racing around in my head keeping me awake all night. Did I lock the door? What do I have to do tomorrow? I should have said this or that to the rude guy on the bus. Do I smell smoke? Are the kids okay? I should call my mother in the morning. Blah blah blah.

I've tried listening to music, but music doesn't work so well, because I want to stay awake and listen to it! I want to sing along. I tried instrumentals, but I want to conduct the orchestra and identify the instruments.

So, the television plays just loud enough for me to hear the droning voices of the "Law and Order" characters. If I don't fall asleep before 3:00 a.m. when "Smallville" comes on I'm probably done trying for the night. I worked nights when that show originally ran, so I haven't seen most of the episodes. If it comes on before I fall asleep, I often sit up and watch, hoping I might catch a nap afterward. You know, during "Charmed". Because "Charmed". *yawn*

Okay, my last thought for now. I am really grateful for the Kindle my sons got me as a gift awhile back. My hands have been so painful, I know I would not be able to hold a regular book for any length of time right now. I've had trouble even with the Kindle, but when I lose my grip, none of the pages go fluttering and make me lose my place! Ha ha!

Good night!