Tuesday, November 20, 2018

November 20, 2018
6:54 p.m.

The weather has been pretty cold at night this week. Molly and I are not loving the night time trip to the outdoors. She's seven months old--how long until she sleeps through the night?

I find it really amusing how much this little dog is like having a baby in the house. She makes messes with her toys all day long, and the minute you get them picked up she dumps her toy box. She gets cranky at bedtime, she demands attention in so many little ways and she has become quite an adept communicator. We almost always know just what she's trying to tell us.

One of the things I find really funny is how much she dislikes her sweaters. She's gotten more cooperative about putting one on, but once it is on, she hangs her head and acts like we are punishing her.

(It might be the new time out... hmm...)

Now, this is a little, tiny dog. She weighs about five and a half pounds and she isn't super furry, so you'd think she'd appreciate the extra warmth. But, no. She hangs her head and looks up at us like we've whipped her. Poor baby.

I find myself in the pet aisle every time I set foot in the store. You know, like she NEEDS another toy or snack food.

By the way, Molly is not spoiled. No. Not one bit.

When my brother gave Molly to my folks, she came with these Crazy Dog Train Me  training treats. I can get her to do a lot for one, but her cutest trick is to bring a twig or a leaf to "barter". She loves them so much!

People say that giving a pet as a gift isn't a great idea, but Molly has been such a joyful addition to my parents' home. She has brought out the playfulness in my Dad, and the cuddles in my Mom and I am so happy that my brother thought to do this for them.

I'm going home for Christmas, and I know I'm going to miss her dreadfully!

8:57 p.m.

Just sat with the parents watching Disney's "Up". Molly barked at the "bad" dogs. Of course, when I tried to get a little video of her, she stopped. I don't think she's destined for Hollywood just yet. She refuses to act on cue.

Poor, badly abused little baby. She'd rather freeze than endure the cruelty of enforced sweater-wearing.

P.S, I love this dog.

Okay, enough of the dog.

Mid November, and I'm doing the NaNoWriMo thing this year. Think I may have mentioned it. It's a challenge for writers to write 50,000 words on a novel during the month of November. I passed the 30,000 word mark today. So, go me!!

My goal for next year's challenge is to be working on only one project at a time. I'm trying to finish up a shorter book while I haven't hit the halfway mark on the longer work in progress.

In the meantime, I got the shopping done for our contributions to Thanksgiving dinner. Muffins will be baked tomorrow so we can focus on dinner stuff Thursday morning.

It's been a very long time since I spent Thanksgiving away from my Colorado home. It seems odd, but it will be nice to spend it with my parents and siblings.

Must begin the latest book I have agreed to review. I enjoy stepping outside my reading box and trying books I might have overlooked except for offering reviews. It's been a great experience.

Goodnight. Until we meet again.

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

November 18, 2018
2:02 p.m.

On this day in a year we won't name to protect the innocent, my sister was born into this world. Good work Mom and Dad!

Happy Birthday, Donna!

Also, Happy Birthday to Melanie, who did not get a shout out here last week because I am an awful person who failed to blog that day.

I am blessed with two beautiful sisters whom I love very much.

I have a lot to be grateful for, and because I am, I decided to offer my e-book at a discount all during Thanksgiving week.

Emma: Ancestors' Tales is the story of a young woman who discovered at an early age that she could see and speak to ghosts. The catch is, they are only ghosts of those related to her or those who have a tale to tell about someone related to her. The other catch, of course, is getting anyone outside her family to believe her.

Starting tomorrow, Monday, the book will be discounted from $6.89 to $1.99. Grab it and save some money. You'll be helping me pay for Christmas. Sale ends next Sunday.

Thank you for checking it out!

4:26 p.m.

I have decided that I am going to have to get tough quick, because winter is coming whether I like it or not. (I don't. I don't like it.)

Around the 4:00 a.m. hour yesterday morning I took Molly out and it was just starting to snow. By 8:00 a.m. it had gotten serious, and Molly was not a happy little pup. She tip-toed out just far enough to do her business and gave me a disgusted look as I brought her in. Drying off her wet, cold paws was a hilarious task, as she kept yanking them away from me. She decided keep-away-paws is a good game, but I know the first thing she's going to do is jump in Mom's or Dad's lap, and so she should be dry.

Today there's still snow on the ground, but it wasn't as cold as yesterday, and so she went exploring and plowing through the yard, eating snow and jumping around in it. That dog is happy as long as the sun is shining down on her.

As far as I'm concerned, it can all melt away and Spring can be here in the morning. That would suit me just fine.

Oh, gosh. Christmas is next.

What happened????

I confess to feeling a bit let down this year. Last year I was in Colorado and had all my children and grandchildren at my house for Christmas.

Not happening this year. I hope to be in Colorado, but at least two kids and six grandkids will be missing. SAD FACE! Oklahoma is too far.

Still waiting for someone to build a magical transporter that I can just walk through and be where I want to be when I want to be there. It should have been invented by now. Gosh!

As far as I know since my last post, there's still a dead person in office in Nevada.

Things have gotten weird around here.

Okay, have a lovely Sunday evening, everyone!


**Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchase.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

November 7, 2018
1:01 p.m.

Well, the election is over. Whew!

There are a few things that have left me befuddled.

Why did Nevada elect a dead man?

Am I crazy, stupid or both? Wasn't it made public that the man was dead? Doesn't being dead automatically void your eligibility to run for office?

What the hell is up with this scenario?

The only explanation I've seen that makes any kind of sense is that it was left on the ballot so the Democrat would not be unopposed, and then if the Republican candidate won, they could fill the seat with the candidate of their choice.

Cheating much, Republicans?

Yeah, yeah, I don't live in Nevada, not my issue, but... CHEATING MUCH??

Holy cow.

What's worse it that there were people voting for him that had to know he was dead. They had to know. They couldn't have been that oblivious, could they?

This gives me a headache.

There were other things I could go on about, but that's quite enough for now, I'd say.


In other news, I have been writing away. It's crazy the situations I put my characters into. Three very little girls in peril--I am mean!

The other book has ground to a halt as I research the first on--which I wrote!!!-- to make sure I get names and such right in the sequel. How soon we forget...

Writing a story is like telling little fibs and then trying to keep track of them, only you've got it all down on paper, so...yeah.

You know, I never knew what a pain it can be to self-promote. I can go days and weeks without mentioning what I do--other than playing with the dog. But you have to plug away every single day if you want anyone to know that:

1. I wrote a book and
2. I wrote another book and
3. I wrote a third book and
4. By golly, there's a fourth book and
5. I am currently working on two sequels and a whole new genre novella.

Personally, I would rather be writing than telling people that I've written or that I'm writing, but I guess if I want anyone to read, I have to tell people that the stuff is out there.

So, here's some news: My first book will be offered for FREE for 24 hours on November 10th. That's Saturday. Also, it's my sister's birthday. So celebrate and get a free Kindle book at this web address on Saturday, November 10th.


I will self promote the others later. You have been warned.

But it's free that day, so please check it out. Review it if you want. I would appreciate it!

Well, I think some people might be getting hungry about now, so I am off to see what I can find to make for lunch. I do wish I was more creative in the cooking department. I tend to bore myself with meals, but no one else is complaining. (At least not to ME)

Y'all have a great Wednesday!


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

November 6, 2018
3:32 p.m.

It's election day. Have you voted?

Okay, enough of that.

Things around here have been busy and I haven't been writing as much as usual. I have become the world's worst blogger.


Well, I am a night person, as you know. But there's a little dog in the house who insists on a bedtime, and when I say "insists", I am dead serious. "Woof!" she says. "Grr. Woof!" Then she runs around acting crazy until I lay down with her.

Not getting a lot of writing done, but I sure have been catching up on my reading! Just because I'm laying down, it doesn't mean I'm getting to sleep. Ha ha.

During the day, I have been writing when I can, but it has been on the two books and the vignette series I have been working on this year.

In the meantime, I am here in Wyoming, helping out with my parents.

Mom has had three surgeries this year: both knees and a hip. Dad has been dealing with an issue as well.

I'm chief cook and bottle washer, laundry person, etc. And I'm glad to be able to be here and do what I can to help out.

On Father's Day my brother and his wife gifted the parents with that little dog I was telling you about. Her name is Molly, and she is a Godsend, even if she does make me go to bed early. The joy she has brought into this house can't be explained. She's 5 pounds of pure love.

We had her spayed last week. I thought Dad would go nuts waiting for her to come home. It was only a few hours, but we all moped around the house until the vet called to let us know she could come home. It was funny. I thought the day before how much easier it would be to get my chores done without her "help" that morning, and in the first hour decided I'd rather have her underfoot.

She's doing terrific. You'd never know she had surgery a week ago.

Who could resist this little face?

Speaking of surgeries, a shout out for speedy recovery to my son.

Doctors are having quite the paydays with my family members this year!

I am going to have to make the trip home before year's end and...of course...go do doctor and dentist appointments.


A HUGE shout out to my sister, who voted for the first time EVER today. Way to go! Make your voice heard.

There are a few hours left to get out and vote yourselves if you haven't already. Do the country a favor--exercise your right to cast your ballot and let your legislators know what you want. Don't let others make the choices for you.

Have an excellent rest of Tuesday.
