Monday, December 31, 2018

December 31, 2018
7:02 p.m.

Well, it is New Year's Eve, and true to form, I am sick as a dog. I make it a habit to be sick on at least one holiday a year, and it's generally either Christmas or New Year's.

I am hoping and praying this will run it's course quickly, because I don't want to fly while feeling this way, and I'm scheduled to leave on the 2nd day of the New Year.


Today has been cold and snowy. We didn't get a white Christmas, but New Year's is definitely white.

It is New Year's Eve, and I will be spending it on the sofa, watching scary movies and drinking tea.
Sounds pretty good, right? Kids are out, all viewing choices are mine. Between the tea and the cold remedies, I will probably be asleep before the clock strikes 12.

I'm okay with that.

I'm trying to hit a positive note, an "I'm grateful for" moment, but the truth is, this has not been a great year.

Certainly some good things happened. 365 straight days of suckiness is impossible, right?

So, let see...

Well, we didn't get any new HUMAN babies, but we did get Molly. She's our new baby, and we love her so much. She came along in time for a very nice family reunion in Colorado, and she was the belle of the ball. Not everyone made it to the reunion--Dad's sister was absent, but her sons both came, and that was wonderful. All his other siblings were there, and I am so grateful they got to see Dad earlier this year.

My Aunt and cousin came for a visit in September. As it turned out, that was to be her final journey, and she visited all her siblings, children and grandchildren on that trip. I know my mother will treasure those days she got to be with her sister. I do, too.

Mom replaced both knees and a hip this year, and her mobility is much better now. She's not back to 100%, but her healing is moving along well.

My nephew lived through a horrific accident and has recovered remarkably well.

I spent time with kids and grandkids, parents and siblings, and that time is priceless.

But I'm less than honest if I don't admit that 2018 has been a tough one.

I could make a list of the reasons why, but I won't. Suffice to say that I'm hopeful that things will be better in the next year.

And so, I bid you a Happy New Year, and I will make my way to the sofa with a cup of tea, a box of tissues and a blanket, to hopefully get scared silly by the play list I've selected to watch.

Those Grandchildren of mine! 

See you next year!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

December 27, 2018
2:45 p.m.

Well, it has been over a month since I posted anything. I just wrote a great deal of news and decided that it wasn't what I wanted to say, so here I am, starting from scratch.

November 20th seems a lifetime ago. Playing with the dog, getting a kick out of her antics, all seems far away at the moment. Although, to tell you the truth, I am so grateful to have Molly around, because she fills the house with joy.

She's in Wyoming right now, though. And I am in Colorado.

I came on the 18th. I had purchased tickets for the trip after I broke a corner off a front tooth. I got a good deal, so of course they were non-refundable and couldn't be exchanged.

How was I to know December would turn into such a crock of doo-doo?

My sister had already arranged to take the time while I'm away to stay with my parents. Thank God for that. My brother also make plans to be with them for Christmas. I'm so happy that my parents have had someone with them every day.

It doesn't keep me from being a worry-wart. And I still feel like a stinky skunk for leaving at just this time, although I never would have planned it this way and things just happened to fall the way they did for no discernible reason.

December 2018. Blah and Bah, humbug to ye!

I don't suppose I've ever seen a more unfriendly month. It started with news from my Dad's best friend. I received a private message asking me to let Dad know that his friend's beloved wife had passed the night before, on December 7th.

Well, suffice to say, giving bad news is a bitch in any circumstances, but there followed the hell of repetition. I told Dad. Then I told him again. And again. He couldn't grasp it. He was--and is--deeply concerned for his dear friend, but he hasn't been able to retain the information.

He has, however, moments of supreme clarity. We sat having coffee the morning after the funeral. He said, "I can't believe she's gone. I can't imagine what my friend is going through. Did you know that they've been together since they were kids?"

"Yes, I heard someone say they had found notes he wrote to her when they were ten years old," I replied.

"Ten," Dad said, nodding. "They married while they were still in school. They went to sleep together, woke up together, ate together. They talked to each other every day. Today, he woke up alone. He didn't have anyone to talk to at breakfast." Dad let out a watery sigh. "Oh, my friend! He must feel like he's been broken in half."

I couldn't disagree. It was rare to see one without the other. I haven't seen him yet, myself, but I know my first impulse when I do will be to ask where she is. I will bite my tongue and give him a hug instead.

"My friend," Dad told me, "has God, though. When you have God, you always know you'll see your love again."

And we looked at each other with tears in our eyes and drank our coffee.

An hour later he asked me if something had happened. I said yes. He said he'd thought it was a bad dream.

In the meantime, I had gotten another message, this one from my cousin. He asked me to let my mother know that her sister had had a stroke. This was December 10th.

End of life decisions were made, and on December 17th, my Aunt passed peacefully in her sleep.

My mother was unable to make the trip to California to say goodbye to her sister. She felt guilty about it, but she has been through three surgeries this year and her health hasn't returned to normal. Such a long trip would have been too hard for her, and she has no need to feel bad about that.

(Says the woman who feels guilty for coming home to do her dental work and spend Christmas with her kids. People are weird.)

As I stated in the beginning, I left the next day. So, yeah. Guilt. But I thank God my sister was able to come, that my brother came for Christmas and that my other sister and brother live right in town. I know my parents are in excellent hands.

My tooth is fixed. My medications are waiting for me to pick them up at the pharmacy. I go back to Wyoming next week.

It hasn't felt at all like a holiday this year.

11:06 p.m.

On Christmas Day we went to a friend's home for dinner and had a very nice visit. The food was quite good, the company even better.

The little ones got to beat up a pinata, and I have to say, that thing was well built. It took quite a beating to get it to give up its treats.

That was a nice day, but it still didn't feel like Christmas to me. Maybe next year.

I have been here a week. My accomplishments? Well, my tooth is fixed and my prescriptions are ready to be picked up at the pharmacy. I've been scolded by my doctors' office for not refilling them sooner, and I took it like a champ.

I won $3.00 on a scratch ticket, which, coincidentally cost me $3.00.

I am on a roll!

I have caught up on some television shows.

And I may have managed to save the life of my Kindle, which is over 5 years old and contains many good books that I don't wish to lose. I will have to wait for a few hours to see if this latest attempt at Kindle resuscitation is a success.

The last think I hope to accomplish before I leave on the 2nd is a good haircut. Emphasis on "good". My hair is driving me nuts.

Oh! I didn't tell you, but I also finished a book. It was released on Christmas Eve. You can find it here:

There's probably lots more catching up to do. Certainly, I need to resolve to do better at this.

Good night, everyone.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

November 20, 2018
6:54 p.m.

The weather has been pretty cold at night this week. Molly and I are not loving the night time trip to the outdoors. She's seven months old--how long until she sleeps through the night?

I find it really amusing how much this little dog is like having a baby in the house. She makes messes with her toys all day long, and the minute you get them picked up she dumps her toy box. She gets cranky at bedtime, she demands attention in so many little ways and she has become quite an adept communicator. We almost always know just what she's trying to tell us.

One of the things I find really funny is how much she dislikes her sweaters. She's gotten more cooperative about putting one on, but once it is on, she hangs her head and acts like we are punishing her.

(It might be the new time out... hmm...)

Now, this is a little, tiny dog. She weighs about five and a half pounds and she isn't super furry, so you'd think she'd appreciate the extra warmth. But, no. She hangs her head and looks up at us like we've whipped her. Poor baby.

I find myself in the pet aisle every time I set foot in the store. You know, like she NEEDS another toy or snack food.

By the way, Molly is not spoiled. No. Not one bit.

When my brother gave Molly to my folks, she came with these Crazy Dog Train Me  training treats. I can get her to do a lot for one, but her cutest trick is to bring a twig or a leaf to "barter". She loves them so much!

People say that giving a pet as a gift isn't a great idea, but Molly has been such a joyful addition to my parents' home. She has brought out the playfulness in my Dad, and the cuddles in my Mom and I am so happy that my brother thought to do this for them.

I'm going home for Christmas, and I know I'm going to miss her dreadfully!

8:57 p.m.

Just sat with the parents watching Disney's "Up". Molly barked at the "bad" dogs. Of course, when I tried to get a little video of her, she stopped. I don't think she's destined for Hollywood just yet. She refuses to act on cue.

Poor, badly abused little baby. She'd rather freeze than endure the cruelty of enforced sweater-wearing.

P.S, I love this dog.

Okay, enough of the dog.

Mid November, and I'm doing the NaNoWriMo thing this year. Think I may have mentioned it. It's a challenge for writers to write 50,000 words on a novel during the month of November. I passed the 30,000 word mark today. So, go me!!

My goal for next year's challenge is to be working on only one project at a time. I'm trying to finish up a shorter book while I haven't hit the halfway mark on the longer work in progress.

In the meantime, I got the shopping done for our contributions to Thanksgiving dinner. Muffins will be baked tomorrow so we can focus on dinner stuff Thursday morning.

It's been a very long time since I spent Thanksgiving away from my Colorado home. It seems odd, but it will be nice to spend it with my parents and siblings.

Must begin the latest book I have agreed to review. I enjoy stepping outside my reading box and trying books I might have overlooked except for offering reviews. It's been a great experience.

Goodnight. Until we meet again.

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

November 18, 2018
2:02 p.m.

On this day in a year we won't name to protect the innocent, my sister was born into this world. Good work Mom and Dad!

Happy Birthday, Donna!

Also, Happy Birthday to Melanie, who did not get a shout out here last week because I am an awful person who failed to blog that day.

I am blessed with two beautiful sisters whom I love very much.

I have a lot to be grateful for, and because I am, I decided to offer my e-book at a discount all during Thanksgiving week.

Emma: Ancestors' Tales is the story of a young woman who discovered at an early age that she could see and speak to ghosts. The catch is, they are only ghosts of those related to her or those who have a tale to tell about someone related to her. The other catch, of course, is getting anyone outside her family to believe her.

Starting tomorrow, Monday, the book will be discounted from $6.89 to $1.99. Grab it and save some money. You'll be helping me pay for Christmas. Sale ends next Sunday.

Thank you for checking it out!

4:26 p.m.

I have decided that I am going to have to get tough quick, because winter is coming whether I like it or not. (I don't. I don't like it.)

Around the 4:00 a.m. hour yesterday morning I took Molly out and it was just starting to snow. By 8:00 a.m. it had gotten serious, and Molly was not a happy little pup. She tip-toed out just far enough to do her business and gave me a disgusted look as I brought her in. Drying off her wet, cold paws was a hilarious task, as she kept yanking them away from me. She decided keep-away-paws is a good game, but I know the first thing she's going to do is jump in Mom's or Dad's lap, and so she should be dry.

Today there's still snow on the ground, but it wasn't as cold as yesterday, and so she went exploring and plowing through the yard, eating snow and jumping around in it. That dog is happy as long as the sun is shining down on her.

As far as I'm concerned, it can all melt away and Spring can be here in the morning. That would suit me just fine.

Oh, gosh. Christmas is next.

What happened????

I confess to feeling a bit let down this year. Last year I was in Colorado and had all my children and grandchildren at my house for Christmas.

Not happening this year. I hope to be in Colorado, but at least two kids and six grandkids will be missing. SAD FACE! Oklahoma is too far.

Still waiting for someone to build a magical transporter that I can just walk through and be where I want to be when I want to be there. It should have been invented by now. Gosh!

As far as I know since my last post, there's still a dead person in office in Nevada.

Things have gotten weird around here.

Okay, have a lovely Sunday evening, everyone!


**Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchase.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

November 7, 2018
1:01 p.m.

Well, the election is over. Whew!

There are a few things that have left me befuddled.

Why did Nevada elect a dead man?

Am I crazy, stupid or both? Wasn't it made public that the man was dead? Doesn't being dead automatically void your eligibility to run for office?

What the hell is up with this scenario?

The only explanation I've seen that makes any kind of sense is that it was left on the ballot so the Democrat would not be unopposed, and then if the Republican candidate won, they could fill the seat with the candidate of their choice.

Cheating much, Republicans?

Yeah, yeah, I don't live in Nevada, not my issue, but... CHEATING MUCH??

Holy cow.

What's worse it that there were people voting for him that had to know he was dead. They had to know. They couldn't have been that oblivious, could they?

This gives me a headache.

There were other things I could go on about, but that's quite enough for now, I'd say.


In other news, I have been writing away. It's crazy the situations I put my characters into. Three very little girls in peril--I am mean!

The other book has ground to a halt as I research the first on--which I wrote!!!-- to make sure I get names and such right in the sequel. How soon we forget...

Writing a story is like telling little fibs and then trying to keep track of them, only you've got it all down on paper, so...yeah.

You know, I never knew what a pain it can be to self-promote. I can go days and weeks without mentioning what I do--other than playing with the dog. But you have to plug away every single day if you want anyone to know that:

1. I wrote a book and
2. I wrote another book and
3. I wrote a third book and
4. By golly, there's a fourth book and
5. I am currently working on two sequels and a whole new genre novella.

Personally, I would rather be writing than telling people that I've written or that I'm writing, but I guess if I want anyone to read, I have to tell people that the stuff is out there.

So, here's some news: My first book will be offered for FREE for 24 hours on November 10th. That's Saturday. Also, it's my sister's birthday. So celebrate and get a free Kindle book at this web address on Saturday, November 10th.

I will self promote the others later. You have been warned.

But it's free that day, so please check it out. Review it if you want. I would appreciate it!

Well, I think some people might be getting hungry about now, so I am off to see what I can find to make for lunch. I do wish I was more creative in the cooking department. I tend to bore myself with meals, but no one else is complaining. (At least not to ME)

Y'all have a great Wednesday!


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

November 6, 2018
3:32 p.m.

It's election day. Have you voted?

Okay, enough of that.

Things around here have been busy and I haven't been writing as much as usual. I have become the world's worst blogger.


Well, I am a night person, as you know. But there's a little dog in the house who insists on a bedtime, and when I say "insists", I am dead serious. "Woof!" she says. "Grr. Woof!" Then she runs around acting crazy until I lay down with her.

Not getting a lot of writing done, but I sure have been catching up on my reading! Just because I'm laying down, it doesn't mean I'm getting to sleep. Ha ha.

During the day, I have been writing when I can, but it has been on the two books and the vignette series I have been working on this year.

In the meantime, I am here in Wyoming, helping out with my parents.

Mom has had three surgeries this year: both knees and a hip. Dad has been dealing with an issue as well.

I'm chief cook and bottle washer, laundry person, etc. And I'm glad to be able to be here and do what I can to help out.

On Father's Day my brother and his wife gifted the parents with that little dog I was telling you about. Her name is Molly, and she is a Godsend, even if she does make me go to bed early. The joy she has brought into this house can't be explained. She's 5 pounds of pure love.

We had her spayed last week. I thought Dad would go nuts waiting for her to come home. It was only a few hours, but we all moped around the house until the vet called to let us know she could come home. It was funny. I thought the day before how much easier it would be to get my chores done without her "help" that morning, and in the first hour decided I'd rather have her underfoot.

She's doing terrific. You'd never know she had surgery a week ago.

Who could resist this little face?

Speaking of surgeries, a shout out for speedy recovery to my son.

Doctors are having quite the paydays with my family members this year!

I am going to have to make the trip home before year's end and...of course...go do doctor and dentist appointments.


A HUGE shout out to my sister, who voted for the first time EVER today. Way to go! Make your voice heard.

There are a few hours left to get out and vote yourselves if you haven't already. Do the country a favor--exercise your right to cast your ballot and let your legislators know what you want. Don't let others make the choices for you.

Have an excellent rest of Tuesday.


Monday, October 8, 2018

October 8, 2018
1:31 p.m.

It's snowing.

My arthritis hates snow. And rain. And by golly, I know we need the water, but...ouch!

Last time I was here, I promoted a fund-raiser for my nephew, who was injured quite badly in a car accident. I hope the word got out enough to do some good for him. I am sharing again, for good measure.


Update: 7:28 p.m.

You probably know this already: I write. I publish. I write some more.

I feel compelled to tell stories, and once I finish something, it's nice to share, so I do.

Publishing platforms abound, and my son pushed me to publish that first book. It felt like a minor miracle when the first copies sold.

So, I talk about the books, and I tell a few people, and I mostly just keep writing.

But then, I also do some self promotion from time to time, to try like mad to actually sell my books.

It's generally not all that effective.

I sometimes wonder why I do it at all. I sometimes feel like it's useless--I can't even give them away.

This isn't altogether true--I have sold them, and I have given some away. It makes me feel great to get a nice review or have someone come up to me and tell me they enjoyed reading.

I don't expect to become a best seller-- not even close. But it does get to me sometimes, when I promote and nothing happens.

So, I'm promoting. Hey, one of them is free. You can't beat free, right? The other is a low $0.99. That's two books for a buck. What have you got to lose?

Oh well, as the saying goes, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

I hope you'll download them, read them and enjoy them. Thanks!

Now, for that promo--

Here we go again:

It's a Kindle Countdown. Price starts at $0.99! That's a nice savings off the original price of $2.99
Roger's Dilemma is the second of three stories featuring Emma, who speaks with her deceased relatives to learn their stories and pass them on to the living, and Roger, whom we met in Roger's Revelation. Roger learned a secret after his death and has sought Emma's help in dealing with the knowledge.
If you haven't read part one yet, Roger's Revelation will be available FREE for the next 5 hours. Follow this link:

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

September 25, 2018
10:14 p.m.

No matter the age of your child, every parent dreads receiving a phone call that begins with "There has been an accident."

My sister has had more than one call like that in the past year, and it is very difficult. Things have, in all cases, turned out much better than they could have, and that's something to be profoundly grateful for.

Still, it would be great, universe, if we wouldn't have to make another trip to the hospital for anyone at all for a good long time--like forever.

This is my nephew. He's a single father and a professional piercer in the Salt Lake City area. He's recently opened his own shop. Now he's been in a serious car accident, and his wrist was badly broken. It required surgical repair, and it's going to be some time before he can get back to work.

In the meantime, he still has to pay his bills, buy food and take care of his kids. His friends have started a GoFundMe page for him.

Please consider making a donation. There's nothing too small, every penny counts and it would be so appreciated.

Thank you, everyone, for taking a moment to read.

Good night.

Monday, September 10, 2018

September 10, 2018
4:06 p.m.

I have been so lax about posting this past couple of months. I would feel ashamed of myself, but I just don't have the energy.

Since the family reunion, I have been busy here in Wyoming taking care of my parents and trying to write.

Mom had a hip replaced and Dad is being evaluated for memory issues, so doctor visits have been a priority. Add to that there's a puppy in the house who is resistant to potty training and very energetic and also has to have medical visits every few weeks because she is a puppy and needs her vaccinations and worming and nail trimming and weight checks--I am being kept pretty busy!

Since that's the case, I do have to get out and have some fun once in a while.

On Friday my sister and brother-in-law and I took a trip to Salt Lake City to attend one of the days of FanX Salt Lake Comic Convention.

This is the first time my sister and I have been to the Salt Palace for anything. The place is huge! My impression is that it's bigger than the Denver Convention Center where our Comic Con is held each year, but that might very well be because I am much more familiar with Denver in general.

I will say that the decorations around and inside the Salt Palace for the convention were just fantastic.


I was really impressed with all the work that must have gone into putting these displays together.

The crowds were something else. Again, it may have been my impression because I'm more familiar with the Con I usually attend in Denver, but I feel like there were more people in attendance at the Salt Palace.

My sister and I had purchased photo ops, mine with Tim Curry, hers with Robby Benson. The photo ops are taken by a separate company who comes to the Con and sets up their services. These have always been well organized and flowed smoothly in Denver, so I didn't foresee the chaos that ensued at FanX.

They were behind from the word go, and first of all failed to let people know that the photo op with Tim Curry was delayed  by over an hour. I had chosen not to go to a panel I would have loved to see because I didn't know about the delay and didn't want to be late to line up. As it turned out, I probably could have fit two panels into the day.

They remained behind, so that my sisters op was nearly an hour late as well.

The result was that there were several things we could have seen and done had we been kept informed by the photography group. Organization of the lines and the delivery of photos after the shoot was nil.

Yeah, I have to rate that part of the Con F-.

Look at these lines:

What lines? Yeah. Exactly. F-. What a chaotic mess! I would suggest that for next year, they get organized a LOT more so that this process goes smoothly. If I was annoyed and worn out, I can't even imagine what it must have been like for the celebrities who agreed to do this for their fans. They deserve better.

Of course, I would not trade my short meeting and photo with Tim Curry for anything. He was gracious and greeted everyone warmly. My sister said the same about Robby Benson. Professionals to the last minute. Admirable.

And, oh boy, celebrities! Got to meet a few and fan girl over them. Supernatural was well represented:

And of course, Robby Benson was there:

Honestly, my favorite moment of all was seeing my sister meet her girlhood crush in person! I certainly hope she enjoyed the rest of the Comic Convention, but I know she loved this!!

Can't leave out the CosPlayers who are always amazing:


Overall, we had a very good day. 

It's a lot, going to Salt Lake City for a Con. Three hour drives, there and back, horrible parking options. We sure were worn out! I'd do it all again, but I won't be purchasing photo ops there again. 
I met Tim Curry. I'm good. 

I'll get back to you on the rest of our weekend.


Saturday, September 8, 2018

September 8, 2018
9:47 p.m.

A very, very Happy Birthday to my wonderful Dad, Paul Shablo. 83 years ago the world got a gift that just keeps giving. I love you so much!

This young fellow is the man who taught me that it was always fine to follow your dreams and to keep trying no matter who tried to discourage you. He taight me that I could do whatever I set my mind to, even if someone told me girls can't do it. If I wanted to be a mechanic, that was fine. 

He taught us all the things we needed to know to get by in this world, and supported us even when we made decisions he wasn't crazy about. 

My Dad. Eighty three years young and counting. What a great day to celebrate! I'm so grateful to have you! 

Thursday, August 16, 2018

August 16, 2018
11:13 p.m.


August 17, 1957
Mountain Home, Idaho
 Paul and Joyce Shablo

Some stories are more fun to write than others. Some stories fill you with gratitude with each word you type.

This is one of those types of stories.

Sixty-one years ago, in the merry, merry month of May, boy met girl. My father was in the Air Force and stationed in Mountain Home, Idaho. This just happened to be my mother's hometown. They met when they were set up as dates to other people--people they basically ignored for the rest of the afternoon while the talked and got to know each other.

Sixty-one years ago on this day, they married.

Over the next several years, they added five children to their family and set about raising some fine people. (We are!)


Today, sixty-one years later, they have five children, fourteen grandchildren, and seventeen great-grandchildren.

I would say they've contributed to the gene pool!

I don't know how to express the love and the gratitude I feel in having these two wonderful people in my life all these years.

How did I get so lucky? How do I explain how blessed I have felt all my life to have them as my parents?

 Paul &Joyce

Erma and Lawrence Aulbach, my mother's parents.


These pictures are some of my favorites in the world, and I just wanted to share this with you all. I am so very happy to say, once more, Happy Anniversary!

Sixty-one years is a long time, but we'll shoot for as many as we can get.

I love these people more than life.

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!!

What a Beautiful Couple!!
Happy 61st Anniversary!