Tuesday, May 22, 2018

May 22, 2018
10:42 p.m.


I am so happy for any of you who never get migraine headaches. You are so lucky. You will never have to understand what a time-bandit they really are.

Monday was a waste of time. I can function with a migraine if I have to. I walk around with one eye closed--the left one is the one affected by auras, for some reason. I know a lot of people who have auras in both eyes, so who am I to complain? I can wink.

Unfortunately, both eyes are offended by the light during a migraine, so that's not cool. I just hang out in a dark room and listen to a book or a show. Can't really watch anything. I read one-eyed, but that's exhausting, and I usually end up having to go back and read again once the headache subsides. Retention is seriously lacking.

Luckily, unless things are really loud, I do okay with sound. I can listen to a t.v. show or a book without too many issues. Music can sometimes be a problem, but not always.

There are no hard and fast "rules" to my migraines, except that they are going to steal my time.


Yep, Monday was a wasted day. I couldn't even dream right! (See last night's post)

Today I got up headache free and after a shower I cooked a hot breakfast, did dishes, washed clothes, made a simple dinner, wrote a few pages,  and folded laundry and in between choring and writing I read several pages of the new Stephen King novel that was delivered to my Kindle at one minute past midnight this morning.

That's more like it!!

Someone please explain to me why I watch the movie "Twister" when my daughter lives in Oklahoma and it's tornado season!!! What is wrong with me?

How sad. I just paid bills, and my inbox is filling up with bills again! Wouldn't it be lovely if my inbox was filled with messages that said, "Hello! We regret that we totally blew off your birthday this month. To make up for it, you may skip your June payment with no penalties or fees. Have a nice month!"

Uh huh. Yeah. That's gonna happen.

Well, I can dream, right? I deserve a good dream after all the weird ones I had yesterday.

I wonder why an elevation in body temperatures triggers odd dreams. Does everyone do this, or is it just me?

It will soon be time for me to go home, which means---gag me with a spoon!!--I have to pack.

I hate packing. I hate it almost as much as I hate unpacking.

I wouldn't bother to do it at all, but I only have one CPAP machine and one laptop, and I probably need a couple of the outfits I have here with me. The rest of my stuff can just stay here and wait until I get back.

So there, stuff!

I gotta go light, though. I mean it. Gonna take the big grey dog, and it's a pain to tote luggage on a bus.

Well, I feel semi-productive at the end of this day. I did stuff. Thank goodness.

But I've got a bit of migraine hangover, so I'm calling it a night.


Monday, May 21, 2018

May 21, 2018
8:27 p.m.

What a waste of a day. I hate being sick.

They say that sleep is the best thing you can do for yourself when you're sick. Restful sleep is curative.

What do they say about UN-restful sleep? Does it make you sicker?

I crawled into my bed early last night, suffering a migraine headache and wanting  nothing more than restful sleep.

Nope. I tossed and turned, re-made the bed, watched some Netflix and tossed and turned some more. I tried to read, but one-eyed because they other eye refused to function properly.

Migraines are a bitch. I get these lovely auras around objects and people, but only with the left eye. If I have to get things done in spite of the pain, I walk around with my left eye closed. It's rough, because I can actually see better with my left eye, and I'd prefer to close the right eye, but the auras are...distracting.

Birds were singing when I finally drifted off, and when I woke up a couple hours later, I had a fever and sore throat to go along with the headache.


I announced to my parents that I was taking a sick day, and went back to bed after taking some heavy duty cold and flu medication.

(Just so you know, when I reach the point where I medicate, I am good and sick. I hate taking medication.)

I crawled into bed, covered with a quilt and two blankets, and God bless me, I fell asleep.

Then the fun started.

I have vivid dreams all the time, when I manage to sleep. They are in color, very detailed, and often too real to shake off easily when I wake up. Mostly, though, they are benign, depicting everyday things that are plausible in my life.

Fever dreams, though...

Someone gave me a kitten. He was yellow-striped and had a pink nose, and he lay on his back in my arms while I bottle fed him. I put him in a box to sleep.

Flip. Someone handed me a huge cat, yellow striped with a pink nose. He rubbed noses with me and I ran my hand down his back. Hair flew everywhere, so I got a brush and started brushing him. He purred loudly.

In the dream, I was fine.

In the waking world, I was sneezing wildly into my CPAP mask. I yanked it off my face, gasping, and went into the bathroom to complete my sneezing fit and blow my nose repeatedly and then I took a pull on my asthma inhaler and went back to bed.

I put the CPAP back on, because my breathing was still a bit ragged. Who knew an allergic reaction could happen from a dream?

Dear Lord, no more sleep for me, I thought, and started an episode of Rizzoli and Isles on my phone.

Who knows what happened on the show--I fell back to sleep.

A little girl, no more than three, is poking around in my cupboards, looking for food. "Hungy," she whines.

I say my cupboards, but I have no idea where we are. Maybe a cabin somewhere. I also don't know the little girl--although she looks suspiciously like my daughter-in-law when she was a toddler.

No matter, though; the point is, she's hungry. So I make her a sandwich. Hamburger patties have appeared out of nowhere, so I use one. When I turn around, there are two more little girls, so I make sandwiches for them, too. I put them on this bright yellow table and call them to come and eat. The littlest one climbs up on a chair and tumbles off and I grab her before she can hit the floor.


The girls are gone. I'm in a different house--I think. My brother hollers from the porch, "Hey, Dad! Merle Haggard is here to see you!"

Merle comes in, and my Dad enters from another part of the house. We are all in a large room with some chairs, a bed with wooden head and footboards, and a big braided rug.

Dad shakes hands with Merle Haggard. They sit in chairs facing each other, and suddenly, the bright yellow table is there, and they have about a dozen different digital cameras scattered across it. They are discussing the merits and flaws of each one, and sharing ideas about how to get the best shots from each when photographing the fish they've caught.

"Leave it to those guys to take up the conversation right where they left off last week," my brother says.

"Hey," Merle grumbles good-naturedly. "We only have so much time left to figure this out."

"Yeah," Dad says.

Some woman comes in with a baby. She drapes him over the footboard of the bed, head down, bottom up. She tells him to stay right there while she watches the rest of her movie. Then, she promises, she will change his diaper. Then she turns around and leaves the room!

I am outraged.

I pick up the baby and cuddle him. He's stinky; he really does need a diaper change, so I lay him down and proceed to change his poopy diaper.

My brother hands me a new nappy while I tell the baby "Ooo, yucky!" and the baby giggles at me.

The diaper is huge, and I complain about the size.

Merle Haggard says, "I'll fix that!" He leaves the room and comes back with a diaper that will fit perfectly. Then he sits back down with Dad and starts telling a fishing story and explaining why a certain digital camera was the best one to use to take a picture of his fish.

I sat down on the bed with the freshly diapered baby and started to sing to him, and


The yellow striped kitten was back, having a bottle and staring up at me with wide, blue eyes.

And I'm awake.

The fever has broken, but the headache remains.

At least I didn't start sneezing again until after I took a few minutes to go share this dream-wreck with my parents and eat a little bit.

Then I sneezed and sneezed. Yay.

Dream Takeaway? Why on earth would my dad and Merle Haggard be discussing digital cameras? Would you not think music might have come up as a conversational gambit?

Ugh. I hate fevers.

I'm grateful, though, that my fever dreams this time took a bit of a comical turn.

There's a recurring nightmare I have during fevers that I am ever so thankful to have avoided. I may share that with you someday, but for now...

Merle Haggard and cats?

What the heck!

My head hurts. I'll talk to you later.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

May 19, 2018
10:52 p.m.

By the end of yesterday, there were 11 people dead and at least a dozen wounded that I know of, in two separate shooting incidents at schools.

There is something seriously wrong going on in this country, and the people in charge of keeping us safe are too concerned with putting more money in their pockets to stand up and do something meaningful.

If I see one more post offering "thought and prayers" and nothing else, I may scream.

Today I saw a post from a guy who claims our 2nd amendment rights are promised first in the Bible.

Jeez. I read the whole Bible once. No one had a single gun. Whatever they armed themselves with--sticks and stones, spears, whatever--no one was fighting for their rights to keep them.

I am amazed at the rampant ignorance out there.

Look. I have said this repeatedly: no one wants your guns. We just want laws in place that will make access to them, storage of them, use of them more closely monitored and regulated. Like our cars. Like liquor. Responsibility and education is important.

I'll duck now. Swing and miss. I'm over it.


This is still free for 24 more hours.

I had to spend some time changing my passwords. Wish I was creative about thinking those up. Wow.

Today was sad movie day, I swear. And tear-jerkers must be accompanied by grilled cheese sandwiches. I think it's a law.

So, there I was, grabbing desserts, and my dad's cell phone rings. It's my cousin. But no one is there. "Hello, hello?" Nothing.

Then Dad says he can't call back, so I take the phone and realize the call is still connected. After several attempts to get the caller's attention, and only hearing weird noises coming through, I disconnect the call and call her back.

Butt dialed! So funny. She was using a weed whacker and somehow managed to place a call. So we had a nice little chat, confirmed that everyone is doing fine--Thank God!--and had a little laugh.

No problems. That's what I like to hear.

Now I am streaming Season 2 of "13 Reasons Why." I'm going to need chocolate before I go to bed. The world has become such an unfriendly place. It makes me want to home-school all the grandkids.

Oh, dang, I have no chocolate! Maybe I better turn this off!

I'm heading for my cozy bed now.

Really. I am.

Good night!

Friday, May 18, 2018

May 18, 2018
6:35 p.m.

Can I just start by saying I don't know how time gets away from me. It's not like I'm all that busy. I write, I help out my parents, I do this and that, but nothing time consuming enough to keep me from jumping on the computer and jotting a few words on the blog.

Lazy girl.

So, let's see...what's been happening?

Well, I had a birthday. Yes, another one! Didn't I just blog about a birthday? Sure seems like it, but another year has indeed gone by. Wow.

My brother and his wife invited us out for dinner and we went and ate Chinese. It was a great time, with my parents, three of my four siblings, nephews and in-laws. We were a hungry, noisy bunch. It was awesome!

My sisters and I had a girl day, which wasn't all fun and games. They had mammograms and I got my eyes re-checked. I surely have a beef with the doc who screwed up in Colorado; could not have gotten my prescription more wrong if he'd planned it out! I'm looking forward to some glasses I can see out of. I went to see the Doctor I worked for lo those many moons ago. That's going to make a difference for sure.

In between our business, we had a great lunch and hit the town's little teeny-tiny casino, where I walked out a $20. winner. Hey, I take whatever I can get, man!

My sister had come down for a visit and stayed over a week with us here, which was too awesome. When she went home, it became eerily quiet in this house. I guess I need to make more noise!

While she was here, she and I took an unexpected trip to Utah and I got to see my nephew and his kiddos.  That was nice! Kids grow up too fast!

Dad broke a tooth and has to be on antibiotics before it can be pulled. Poor guy, the meds are bugging his tummy. I hope he feels better really soon.

The month is flying by, and soon I will be heading back to Colorado. Crazy. It's gone really fast this trip.

I published a short story this week, and I'm running a free promotion. For two more days you can download from Amazon at this link:


I hope you'll decide to give it a quick read and maybe rate and review it.

Thanks in advance!

There was yet another school shooting this morning. I have plenty I want to say about that, but I just can't focus quite yet.

More children dead. Damn it.

I've got a post in my on this subject. Fair warning. Just...not quite yet.

Everyone--be well.

Live. Laugh. Love. (I'm so original, right?)

Until we meet again.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

May 3, 2018
10:03 p.m.

It always makes me happy to share good things, and Mom's progress after knee replacement surgery is cause for good news.

We took a trip to Park City, Utah yesterday to see the surgeon for her follow up. She's doing very well, and he was pleased with the results. Now she just needs to continue to exercise and build up her strength, and she will soon be getting around quite well. Hurray!

The second day of May was brisk and rainy, and at one point on the trip we even ran into snow showers. Ah, Spring in Wyoming! Every time we were getting into the vehicle, we were getting wet. Departures were rainy. Mom needs to have a step-stool to get into the SUV, so it takes a bit longer to get moving. Naturally, getting out of the vehicle is much easier and faster for her, so of course it was never raining during arrivals. Ha ha!

My brother drove us around historic Park City, and I was glad to note that a location for the home of one of the characters in my book is more than plausible. Whew! I made it all up, of course; yesterday was the first time I've ever actually seen more than the newer parts of the place. So, go me!

My sister is here for a few days, and that's always fun for me. We went out today and I chopped off my hair. So nice.

We then wandered over to our area's idea of a casino, and I came out ten dollars richer. That was cool.

I'm not dissing the casino. It's very neat and clean, there are several slot machines and, I assume, the opportunity to make off-track bets on the Wyoming Downs when there are races. The staff is friendly and helpful. We didn't stay long, but we had a good time.

The strange part of the day was the fact that I had dreamt that we did those things the night before: haircut and a short trip to the casino.

I'm a weirdo, I guess. When I told my sister this, she got goosebumps. You'd think we'd both be used to things like this. We've experienced them so many time over the years.

Well, I am determined to sleep better tonight than I did last night, so with that in mind, I'm going to bid you all a good night.
