11:13 p.m.

August 17, 1957
Mountain Home, Idaho
Paul and Joyce Shablo
This is one of those types of stories.
Sixty-one years ago, in the merry, merry month of May, boy met girl. My father was in the Air Force and stationed in Mountain Home, Idaho. This just happened to be my mother's hometown. They met when they were set up as dates to other people--people they basically ignored for the rest of the afternoon while the talked and got to know each other.
Sixty-one years ago on this day, they married.
Over the next several years, they added five children to their family and set about raising some fine people. (We are!)

Today, sixty-one years later, they have five children, fourteen grandchildren, and seventeen great-grandchildren.
I would say they've contributed to the gene pool!
I don't know how to express the love and the gratitude I feel in having these two wonderful people in my life all these years.
How did I get so lucky? How do I explain how blessed I have felt all my life to have them as my parents?
Paul &Joyce
Erma and Lawrence Aulbach, my mother's parents.

These pictures are some of my favorites in the world, and I just wanted to share this with you all. I am so very happy to say, once more, Happy Anniversary!
Sixty-one years is a long time, but we'll shoot for as many as we can get.
I love these people more than life.
Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!!
What a Beautiful Couple!!
Happy 61st Anniversary!