Monday, November 20, 2017

November 20, 2017
3:52 p.m.

I have been a really bad girl of late.

I came back to Colorado on November 9th. My beautiful niece Kayla brought me, since she was already coming to attend a wedding.

Since coming home, I have been so busy chasing my granddaughter around that I haven't blogged, and I have done very little work on my new novel.

I signed up to do NaNoWriMo to get a good start, and I am not nearly to 50,000 words. Last year I reached my goal pretty easily, and I suppose I MIGHT make it this year, but only if I really step up my game.

BAD girl.

In the meantime, how cute are these girls?

It's so fun when I get a chance to babysit. But, wow! I'm getting old. They really run me ragged! So much energy!

For the moment, I am just checking in. Thanksgiving is coming and I need to make a shopping list. Yuck! Shopping!

Take it easy. I promise I will think of something soon.

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