4:25 p.m.
Number one thing--Happy Birthday to my beautiful Mom, now aged 82. I am so blessed to have her in my life!
On the 17th, she and my Dad celebrated their 62nd Anniversary!
Wow! I could never put up with anyone that long, unless I was raised with them or raised them myself. And that's not always a picnic, either.
Yeah, yeah, if I'd picked a guy who actually did me right... coulda, shoulda, woulda. Blah, blah.
Anyway, they picked each other and made work for over 6 decades, so KUDOS!
I have recently discovered that I can still bound up the stairs two at a time, and that under the right circumstances, I can easily lift 150 pounds. I don't think I ever really wanted to know that, but I guess it's information worth having.
August has been a busy month, with some traveling and lots of visiting going on.
Family reunion with Mom's family was pretty great. We had a few days to visit, eat good food, take some not-bad photos and just catch up with everyone.
We also paid tribute to my Aunt, who we lost last winter, and my Uncle, who left us in May. That's a rough thing, and makes me even more grateful to have my parents still with me.
Traveling through Idaho, I got some really good photos with my little phone from the window of a moving vehicle. I don't know that I'd have done as well with a regular camera!
I was amazed that this photo turned out so well! I was sure it wouldn't, since we passed by this Pocatello church so quickly. I'm really pleased with it!

These fields are so flat! Living in Colorado, you see plains like these to the east, and lots of mountains to the west.
I look west, always. I love the mountains! But I have to admit, this is a beautiful sight!
It's really amazing to me to see the beautiful cloud formations and the wide open land in this area.
I wouldn't mind a bit living out in the middle of this, no neighbors for miles around. Think of the peace and quiet!
As you can probably see, I am a fan of clouds. Aren't they pretty?
Once we arrived at my Aunt's house, we settled ourselves into visit mode!

As always, my beautiful Aunt and Uncle were the most wonderful of hosts, providing us with a beautiful setting--their lovely home--good food and plenty of time to enjoy it all!
Thank you so much for everything, Renee and Carl!
This was one of the most well-attended reunions I have had the pleasure of attending. All Mom's siblings were there--the ones who weren't have moved to another realm and were certainly there in spirit.
Not all the cousins were there, but many were able to make it, so it was really special. It's always so wonderful to see everyone!
Well, must prepare for Mom's birthday dinner, we get to go out! Yay!
Next up, our visit to Shoshone Falls. Stay tuned!
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