January 25, 2017
7:37 p.m.
This woman; this beautiful woman. Mary Tyler Moore, 80, passed away today. The world has lost a bright and shining star.
I am sad.

To women of my generation, Mary Tyler Moore symbolized hope for our futures. She portrayed a single woman with a great career, a woman with friendships and working relationships that did not circumnavigate around a husband and children. The character Mary Richards assured us that we could choose to be single and not suffer for it; that we could work beside men and shine; that we could have friendships with men that did not center around sexual tension. She embraced her status as a single working woman and remained happy, rather than lamenting the absence of a husband.
She made it okay to be who we were in whatever circumstance we found ourselves.
That was a role model we needed in the 70s, and one we still need today. Because Mary Tyler Moore was there to breathe life into her character, generations of women have followed their hearts and believed in themselves enough to carry on that early legacy: "You're going to make it after all."
Also, not to be forgotten is her incredible work with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Awareness of the condition faced by millions would not be as high without her. Working toward a cure was a goal she took very seriously. Her own diagnosis came rather late in life, which could have proven deadly, so she had good reason to urge us all to learn about early diagnosis, treatment options and research developments.
I can't imagine where so many of us would be without the positive influence of women like Mary Tyler Moore. She was a true pioneer and a great talent.
Dick Van Dyke shared this link. Enjoy!
Rest in Peace, Mary Tyler Moore. You turned the world on with your smile.
I'm going to close for now. I think remembering Mary will do for tonight.
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