July 28, 2017
8:57 p.m.
Winding down the week, and feeling a bit more relaxed than I have in the last several days. Incredible how less worry can make you feel lighter.
Mom is doing well; the incision is healing nicely and she's eating without any problems. Function has returned to normal.
I've been busy editing some of the reunion pictures hoping to design a little photo album, but the website I generally use for that was giving me fits earlier and I gave up for the day.
I have been keeping busy with general household chores and meal preparation. Dad has been busy getting his lawn and garden back in shape after being gone so long. Mom just has to finish getting well.
And then--I am going to go see the new Dark Tower movie. I hope it's here in Wyoming when it opens everywhere else, or I'm going to have to wait and try to avoid any spoilers.
Warning: NO SPOILERS!!
I have been a fan of Stephen King's Dark Tower series for years. I do mean years, people. It took him forever to finish, and the wait in between books was murder. So I am looking forward to this movie. I am also scared to see this movie, because...what if they screwed it up? I mean, there are so many books, and obviously, one movie, with less than two hours running time, cannot cover seven books. So, what's it going to be. Book One, The Gunslinger? Um...I don't think so, judging by the trailers. So, yeah. I'm nervous about this one, because I love the series so much.
I guess I just have to wait and see. Yikes.
10:08 p.m.
Just for the record--the IRS sucks. If they screw something up, it takes forever to get it resolved, but oh boy, if you make a mistake, they're on you like kitties on catnip. This is much ado about nothing in particular, just an FYI. In case you didn't already know.
The County Fair is coming up. I haven't been to one since 1999. I wonder if I should go check it out.
What do you think?
We've had a little too much excitement around here, and now I am behind on everything, so I need to get back to final edits on my book, planning August happenings, and etc.
In the meantime, I'm bushed. I'm calling it a night.
Snooze well!
Friday, July 28, 2017
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
July 26, 2017
9:55 p.m.
Good evening. As promised, a picture of the clan. Photo credit goes to my cousin Deborah Turcotte. Thanks for sharing!
Today was a good day. Mom is home. She's not ready for the marathon yet, but she's getting around pretty well. She's eating. Most importantly, she's smiling and laughing. What more could I ever ask?
July has been a mighty interesting month. There were a lot of good times. A LOT. Days spent with family are precious, and I feel very blessed to have been able to see people on both sides of the family in the past few weeks and spend some time visiting with everyone.
There were also some bad times. My aunt lost her brother; devastating news which came in the middle of the main reunion day in Idaho. I'm sure she and my uncle went through some awfully conflicting emotions, and my heart aches for them.
My mother was very ill and required surgery. We have come through a week of stress and worry, and I'm sorry, but I'm still not ready to share details. Suffice to say that she went through agonizing pain and scared us all witless. But the Lord saw fit to bring her through and she's doing so much better now. We are so very grateful for all the prayers and good vibrations and positive thoughts that were sent her way during the worst of the ordeal, and the continued prayers for her speedy and complete recovery.
On July 19th, I posted this on my Facebook page: "Prayer warriors, we could use your help. God knows our need, and I will comment further later. Thank you all."
This was all it took from me to kick friends and family into high gear, praying for they knew not what, except God's best plan.
Between then and July 21st I posted a few slightly detailed updates, and then I posted this: "A few days ago I asked for prayers without explaining the need. Now I'll tell you why. Many times we spend a great deal of time praying for the outcome WE want. God, in the meantime, is steering us toward the outcome that is really best. I just figured things might move a little faster if everyone was praying for an outcome only God knew about. Now, since I was in the know about the situation, I was a bit more inclined to pray for what I only HOPED would be best, but if that had been the resolution, there would certainly have been an encore performance. The road to recovery seemed to us to be the more drastic direction, but ultimately, it was the road that led to healing, rather than a pause before a relapse. So this morning I thank God for steering us to that better road, and I thank you, prayer warriors, for trusting that God knew the best way."
I will at some point be able to tell the story of this past week, but it's still a little too fresh. I know that all of you have had, at some point in your life, a stressful period that was hard to talk about until a little time had passed. I know you understand.
And I thank you so much for that, and for everything.
I thank God for this sweet face. She's right down the hall, giggling at a Tyler Perry movie. That's right, she's up late.
We are blessed.
Good night!
9:55 p.m.
Good evening. As promised, a picture of the clan. Photo credit goes to my cousin Deborah Turcotte. Thanks for sharing!
Today was a good day. Mom is home. She's not ready for the marathon yet, but she's getting around pretty well. She's eating. Most importantly, she's smiling and laughing. What more could I ever ask?
July has been a mighty interesting month. There were a lot of good times. A LOT. Days spent with family are precious, and I feel very blessed to have been able to see people on both sides of the family in the past few weeks and spend some time visiting with everyone.
There were also some bad times. My aunt lost her brother; devastating news which came in the middle of the main reunion day in Idaho. I'm sure she and my uncle went through some awfully conflicting emotions, and my heart aches for them.
My mother was very ill and required surgery. We have come through a week of stress and worry, and I'm sorry, but I'm still not ready to share details. Suffice to say that she went through agonizing pain and scared us all witless. But the Lord saw fit to bring her through and she's doing so much better now. We are so very grateful for all the prayers and good vibrations and positive thoughts that were sent her way during the worst of the ordeal, and the continued prayers for her speedy and complete recovery.
On July 19th, I posted this on my Facebook page: "Prayer warriors, we could use your help. God knows our need, and I will comment further later. Thank you all."
This was all it took from me to kick friends and family into high gear, praying for they knew not what, except God's best plan.
Between then and July 21st I posted a few slightly detailed updates, and then I posted this: "A few days ago I asked for prayers without explaining the need. Now I'll tell you why. Many times we spend a great deal of time praying for the outcome WE want. God, in the meantime, is steering us toward the outcome that is really best. I just figured things might move a little faster if everyone was praying for an outcome only God knew about. Now, since I was in the know about the situation, I was a bit more inclined to pray for what I only HOPED would be best, but if that had been the resolution, there would certainly have been an encore performance. The road to recovery seemed to us to be the more drastic direction, but ultimately, it was the road that led to healing, rather than a pause before a relapse. So this morning I thank God for steering us to that better road, and I thank you, prayer warriors, for trusting that God knew the best way."
I will at some point be able to tell the story of this past week, but it's still a little too fresh. I know that all of you have had, at some point in your life, a stressful period that was hard to talk about until a little time had passed. I know you understand.
And I thank you so much for that, and for everything.
I thank God for this sweet face. She's right down the hall, giggling at a Tyler Perry movie. That's right, she's up late.
We are blessed.
Good night!
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017
1:12 p.m.
I skipped blogging last night in favor of going to a place where I could safely continue to breathe. Carpet cleaning chemicals clearly are not conducive to continued respiratory function in your scribe.
I spent yesterday getting the place ready for the carpet cleaning, and I moved a ton of stuff, which I have spent the morning returning to...let us say...maybe their proper places? I spend so much time here--you'd think I would be more cognizant of the arrangements of knick knacks, photos and etc.
Anyway, Mom's not too picky. Everything is clean and dust free, and I think it looks darned nice, so I'm sure she'll be happy when she gets home. Maybe it was time for a little rearranging.
Okay, "What I Did on my Summer Vacation", part two? Is it part two? Maybe it's part three, if I include Comic Con. But it is definitely part two of family reunions.
Yes, indeed, another reunion, this time with members of my mother's family and taking place in Caldwell, Idaho.
We arrived back home on July 10th and hit the road again on July 12th, less than 48 hours later.
This was a very different drive than the one from Colorado. Colorado's jaunt included mountain passes with twisty roads and switchbacks through the mountains. Beautiful, yes, but a bit tricky and tiring.
The trip into Idaho was less mountainous, with tons fewer curves. Still a lot of beautiful scenery, though.
We moved from this house to Wyoming in 1966. It hasn't changed too much, but it is a different color. I remember it grey. It looks so little to me now, though. I thought it was huge! I'm pretty excited that the picture turned out. I couldn't see a thing on my screen, it was such a sunny day!
My parents and I arrived on Wednesday, and for that evening had my aunt and uncle to ourselves. Starting on Thursday evening, other people began to arrive.
My aunt and uncle are fabulous cooks, and they had been hard at work preparing for the official family reunion day, which would be Saturday. Still, in the meantime, we didn't lack for good eats. I think I gained some weight during those few days.

I didn't really take many pictures until Friday. I was enamored of the house, so that's where I went nuts at first. My aunt and uncle have an open floor plan ranch style that is just fabulous and beautiful and so well designed--much of that design significantly influenced personally by them. I think I have been dreaming of this house for years!!
There is a lovely back patio area with plenty of room for socializing. It was really hot outdoors, but they had shade screens and spritzers that cooled things off. Their garden was lovely, as well:
Please take note and enjoy the building on the left; the one with the little moon.
Admit it--that's funny!

Oh boy, oh boy! Food!
Did we love it? Yes! Yes, we did! This family knows good eats when they see them!

It's always great to be in the company of family. Aunts, Uncles and cousins--not everyone could make it, but it was a great turnout.

Yeah, then we all reach the point where you need a little snooze to aide in digestion.
Now, during the dinner portion of the day, we'd been blessed with the presence of all my mother's living siblings. (They lost a sister, the oldest of the family, a few years ago.)
We planned to get family pictures of all attendees after dinner. Sadly, before that could happen, my mother's brother and his wife got word that her brother had died suddenly. They took leave of us soon afterward to go home.
Family reunions are great. This sad interlude was a reminder of why it's so important to have those reunions as often as possible, because--dang it!--you never know.
To my uncle and aunt--my heartfelt sympathies. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Naturally, things were not as jolly after their departure, but I did manage to get a good shot of my mom and her other siblings:
We colored and chatted, sharing old stories and just having a quiet time. I tried to make sure I had managed to spend time with everyone. I'm always left wondering after a big gathering, but this one had been long enough to be sure I hadn't missed anyone.
The next morning, Dad wanted for us to stay on in case she needed to see a doctor, but being the determined (aka stubborn) lady that she is, she insisted that we were going home.
And that is the beginning of a different story, so I am going to end this one for now.
Have a great rest of the day. My mother is coming home soon, and I have to figure out what to feed her.
Ta ta!
1:12 p.m.
I skipped blogging last night in favor of going to a place where I could safely continue to breathe. Carpet cleaning chemicals clearly are not conducive to continued respiratory function in your scribe.
I spent yesterday getting the place ready for the carpet cleaning, and I moved a ton of stuff, which I have spent the morning returning to...let us say...maybe their proper places? I spend so much time here--you'd think I would be more cognizant of the arrangements of knick knacks, photos and etc.
Anyway, Mom's not too picky. Everything is clean and dust free, and I think it looks darned nice, so I'm sure she'll be happy when she gets home. Maybe it was time for a little rearranging.
Okay, "What I Did on my Summer Vacation", part two? Is it part two? Maybe it's part three, if I include Comic Con. But it is definitely part two of family reunions.
Yes, indeed, another reunion, this time with members of my mother's family and taking place in Caldwell, Idaho.
We arrived back home on July 10th and hit the road again on July 12th, less than 48 hours later.
This was a very different drive than the one from Colorado. Colorado's jaunt included mountain passes with twisty roads and switchbacks through the mountains. Beautiful, yes, but a bit tricky and tiring.
The trip into Idaho was less mountainous, with tons fewer curves. Still a lot of beautiful scenery, though.
Once upon a time, I was born in Idaho, and we made a stop in my original hometown, where I got a snap of the first house I remember living in.
My parents and I arrived on Wednesday, and for that evening had my aunt and uncle to ourselves. Starting on Thursday evening, other people began to arrive.
My aunt and uncle are fabulous cooks, and they had been hard at work preparing for the official family reunion day, which would be Saturday. Still, in the meantime, we didn't lack for good eats. I think I gained some weight during those few days.

I didn't really take many pictures until Friday. I was enamored of the house, so that's where I went nuts at first. My aunt and uncle have an open floor plan ranch style that is just fabulous and beautiful and so well designed--much of that design significantly influenced personally by them. I think I have been dreaming of this house for years!!
There is a lovely back patio area with plenty of room for socializing. It was really hot outdoors, but they had shade screens and spritzers that cooled things off. Their garden was lovely, as well:
Please take note and enjoy the building on the left; the one with the little moon.
Admit it--that's funny!
By Saturday, everyone had arrived and the fabulous spread was set out to be enjoyed by all.

Oh boy, oh boy! Food!

It's always great to be in the company of family. Aunts, Uncles and cousins--not everyone could make it, but it was a great turnout.

Now, during the dinner portion of the day, we'd been blessed with the presence of all my mother's living siblings. (They lost a sister, the oldest of the family, a few years ago.)
We planned to get family pictures of all attendees after dinner. Sadly, before that could happen, my mother's brother and his wife got word that her brother had died suddenly. They took leave of us soon afterward to go home.
Family reunions are great. This sad interlude was a reminder of why it's so important to have those reunions as often as possible, because--dang it!--you never know.
To my uncle and aunt--my heartfelt sympathies. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Naturally, things were not as jolly after their departure, but I did manage to get a good shot of my mom and her other siblings:
There were other photos shot with the whole gang, but my cousin took those shots and I have been too busy to get them downloaded to the computer yet. We'll get to it soon, I'm sure. Look forward to a big group shot soon.
On Sunday we had a relaxing time with the family members who hadn't headed home yet. Mom and her sisters had a good time coloring.
I was having a good time, too, but you can't see me! Ha ha!
It was around this time that Mom started feeling quite unwell. A little later in the evening we all said goodnight to her and she went to bed.
The next morning, Dad wanted for us to stay on in case she needed to see a doctor, but being the determined (aka stubborn) lady that she is, she insisted that we were going home.
And that is the beginning of a different story, so I am going to end this one for now.
Have a great rest of the day. My mother is coming home soon, and I have to figure out what to feed her.
Ta ta!
Sunday, July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
6:52 p.m.
Home a little earlier tonight. I'm glad, because as much as I want to spend time with my mother, it's really tiring doing nothing all day. I can't even imagine how tired she must be.
But things are looking up, and I'm very grateful.
At some point in this narrative I will get to the whole story, but you'll have to be patient. I'm just not quite up to it.
In the meantime, I did promise some July 4th storytelling.
For the most part, The 4th was an okay day. You all know how I feel about the fireworks situation, but the daytime leading up to that was a nice day.
We found ourselves at my daughter's house, where we were treated to barbecue--hamburgers and brats, chips and soda, yummy desserts.
Better still, it was good company. Lots of conversation and laughter. You know, the best sort of day.
In the course of our conversation, I did this little fake laugh--I don't remember why--and my little granddaughter imitated me. So I did it again, and she did, too. I just had to get it on video, and I hope my upload of it here works, because it's too darned cute!
Rats! It's not going to upload for me. How sad. You'll just have to believe me. Too cute.

No matter how you slice it, family life is worth more than gold. I love my babies.
We did leave before dark to make sure the fur baby was not alone when the fireworks commenced, and it was a good thing we did, because she was terror stricken. I feel so bad for pets on Independence Day. Can't we just barbecue and leave it at that?
Oh, yeah. I promised not to repeat the rant. Oops!
7:22 p.m.
In the time leading up to the first week of July, I was planning a trip to meet my parents in Trinidad, Colorado for a family reunion. The plan was to go Greyhound, so I knew I couldn't take my computer with me this time. So I ordered a new laptop, thinking I could easily carry it on the bus and once we made it back from vacation, I could finish editing my book and get it set for publication.
But...no. The laptop arrived, and lo and behold, it wouldn't even turn on! Aughhh! I called customer support, but they couldn't make it fly. So, I had to return it.
Dingity-dang, what a disappointment! I figured I could re-order, and have it shipped here to Wyoming, but we haven't stayed in this house much at all over the last few weeks, so... maybe tomorrow.
In the meantime, I'm blogging from Dad's PC, and for some reason picture downloads tonight are going super slow. Bear with me.
Family Reunion #1--Trinidad, CO
As planned, I boarded a big grey dog on July 7th and headed for Trinidad. Arrived about noon and my Dad picked me up at the bus stop.
We stayed at the La Quinta, and I have to say this: they are great! They have a large outdoor patio with a huge umbrella covering the table area, and the whole family was able to sit outside and talk. We could bring in outside foods, drink wine, beer or whatever we chose, and the staff made us entirely welcome. Free breakfast from 4:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. I have never seen that anywhere else.
My parents had been there for a few days already, because while I was walking my feet off at Denver Comic Con, they were attending the wedding of my cousin in Rye, and then doing some goofing off in the area. By the time I arrived they were on a first name basis with the hotel staff.
I don't know who took this picture, but admit it--my parents are cute as heck!
The reunion was for my Dad's side of the family, and all his siblings were there. Four of them live in Colorado, but his other brother came all the way from Minnesota. It's always a blessing when everyone can be together for a couple of days.

And even some second cousins!
Good times were had by all. We talked, we laughed, we ate some great food. I even had a drink! (Not something I do very often--more like once every couple of years. And it wasn't even very good, dang it!)
We attended Mass in Trinidad Saturday night. the church is beautiful--and old! It is filled with many sculptures and stained glass depicting the Stations of the Cross. I was fascinated with the artwork.

I really love visiting older churches. They can be quite lovely, and the history can be really interesting. This church has suffered some damage from an earthquake, for instance.
My folks decided to start our return trip on Sunday instead of following the original plan to leave Monday, since we were scheduled to begin a new trip on Wednesday. We left Trinidad after having a nice breakfast--courtesy of La Quinta--with the family.
Colorado is a beautiful state, and the drive was really nice. However, there are a great many twisty roads, and by the time we reached Vernal, Utah, it was time to stop for the night.
Sometimes my camera does just what I want! Actually, it was my phone, and I couldn't even see what I was shooting at on my screen, so--lucky!!
We left Vernal early the next morning, and it was just a short jaunt to Green River from there. It was Monday, July 10th. We'd be leaving again on Wednesday. Unpacking! Laundry! Repacking! And--
Nope. For the continuing story of "What I did on My Vacation", come back tomorrow.
Good night!
6:52 p.m.
Home a little earlier tonight. I'm glad, because as much as I want to spend time with my mother, it's really tiring doing nothing all day. I can't even imagine how tired she must be.
But things are looking up, and I'm very grateful.
At some point in this narrative I will get to the whole story, but you'll have to be patient. I'm just not quite up to it.
In the meantime, I did promise some July 4th storytelling.
For the most part, The 4th was an okay day. You all know how I feel about the fireworks situation, but the daytime leading up to that was a nice day.
We found ourselves at my daughter's house, where we were treated to barbecue--hamburgers and brats, chips and soda, yummy desserts.
Better still, it was good company. Lots of conversation and laughter. You know, the best sort of day.
Rats! It's not going to upload for me. How sad. You'll just have to believe me. Too cute.

No matter how you slice it, family life is worth more than gold. I love my babies.
We did leave before dark to make sure the fur baby was not alone when the fireworks commenced, and it was a good thing we did, because she was terror stricken. I feel so bad for pets on Independence Day. Can't we just barbecue and leave it at that?
Oh, yeah. I promised not to repeat the rant. Oops!
7:22 p.m.
In the time leading up to the first week of July, I was planning a trip to meet my parents in Trinidad, Colorado for a family reunion. The plan was to go Greyhound, so I knew I couldn't take my computer with me this time. So I ordered a new laptop, thinking I could easily carry it on the bus and once we made it back from vacation, I could finish editing my book and get it set for publication.
But...no. The laptop arrived, and lo and behold, it wouldn't even turn on! Aughhh! I called customer support, but they couldn't make it fly. So, I had to return it.
Dingity-dang, what a disappointment! I figured I could re-order, and have it shipped here to Wyoming, but we haven't stayed in this house much at all over the last few weeks, so... maybe tomorrow.
In the meantime, I'm blogging from Dad's PC, and for some reason picture downloads tonight are going super slow. Bear with me.
Family Reunion #1--Trinidad, CO
As planned, I boarded a big grey dog on July 7th and headed for Trinidad. Arrived about noon and my Dad picked me up at the bus stop.
We stayed at the La Quinta, and I have to say this: they are great! They have a large outdoor patio with a huge umbrella covering the table area, and the whole family was able to sit outside and talk. We could bring in outside foods, drink wine, beer or whatever we chose, and the staff made us entirely welcome. Free breakfast from 4:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. I have never seen that anywhere else.
My parents had been there for a few days already, because while I was walking my feet off at Denver Comic Con, they were attending the wedding of my cousin in Rye, and then doing some goofing off in the area. By the time I arrived they were on a first name basis with the hotel staff.
I don't know who took this picture, but admit it--my parents are cute as heck!
The reunion was for my Dad's side of the family, and all his siblings were there. Four of them live in Colorado, but his other brother came all the way from Minnesota. It's always a blessing when everyone can be together for a couple of days.
Aunts and Uncles!

Also attending were some cousins!

Good times were had by all. We talked, we laughed, we ate some great food. I even had a drink! (Not something I do very often--more like once every couple of years. And it wasn't even very good, dang it!)
We attended Mass in Trinidad Saturday night. the church is beautiful--and old! It is filled with many sculptures and stained glass depicting the Stations of the Cross. I was fascinated with the artwork.

I really love visiting older churches. They can be quite lovely, and the history can be really interesting. This church has suffered some damage from an earthquake, for instance.
My folks decided to start our return trip on Sunday instead of following the original plan to leave Monday, since we were scheduled to begin a new trip on Wednesday. We left Trinidad after having a nice breakfast--courtesy of La Quinta--with the family.
Colorado is a beautiful state, and the drive was really nice. However, there are a great many twisty roads, and by the time we reached Vernal, Utah, it was time to stop for the night.
We left Vernal early the next morning, and it was just a short jaunt to Green River from there. It was Monday, July 10th. We'd be leaving again on Wednesday. Unpacking! Laundry! Repacking! And--
Nope. For the continuing story of "What I did on My Vacation", come back tomorrow.
Good night!
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