7:37 p.m.
Oh my gosh, this has been the busiest month ever. I haven't posted much anywhere, I haven't blogged, and I've been going non-stop. I have so much to catch up on, and all I can do now is promise to try.
Many things have happened since the end of June, many of them cool and a couple so not cool that I can barely think about them, but I'm thinking the best way to play catch up is to start with June 30th through July 2nd.
(I know you may have seen my last post, AKA "The July 4th Rant". It was just one day of the month, and not indicative of the rest of the past few weeks.)
June 30th--Day one of Denver Comic Con!!
I've been doing the Con for several years now, and it is fun, fun, fun. It also wears me out. I can walk and walk forever, but standing in lines--ouch, my feet! Ouch, my knees! Ouch, my back! Still worth it.
This year I added one more grandchild to my entourage.
This was his first Con experience. The other two are old pros. We've trekked the halls and stood in lines and generally made our way hither and yon through the huge square footage of the Convention Center.
Now, these poor kiddos had to wait in line for their old grandma to get her picture taken with "Spike"--James Marsters of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I saved up for the Con, and I saved some more for a photo op, which I have never done before. God only knows why I wanted to do this so much, but it was worth it. He's very nice. And good looking. I spent some time talking to him the next day about writing and his new venture, a series called "Vidiots". Take a look at it. So funny. http://www.vidiotsonline.com/
The kids were great, I got my precious photo. and we moved on to see a panel with James and Oliver Phelps, who played Fred and George Weasley in the Harry Potter series. Yep, another line. A LONG one.
Now, here's how smart my grandson is--he brought games. The boys played while they waited, and the girls--my granddaughter and I--goofed around with our phones. We chowed down on snacks we'd brought, and then we waited some more.
Those lads grew up handsome and funny. They are now aged thirty-three years! Are you stunned?
Me, too! The place was packed and we were so far away. Thank goodness for the big screens! The kids enjoyed seeing people they grew up watching. Grandma was pretty happy to see them, too.
The boys had a blast checking out all the LEGO creations while we girls rested our feet and took pictures.
Okay, side track a little bit. When I was a kid I loved LEGOS. I'd build things for hours. I thought I was quite the architect.
Then, when my kids were little I hated them--no matter how many times I nagged, one always got left on the floor to be discovered by my bare foot! Also, my youngest once flushed a bunch of them and the bill for the plumber made me wish I'd gone to plumbing school, because--DANG!!
Then those little monsters grew up and I love LEGOS all over again.
That said. the LEGO thing these days--WOW! How do they make all those fantastically cool creations? I made little houses with windows and doors, but this stuff? Amazing!
No Con would be complete without Cosplayers. Check out these fantastic costumes:

I did a costume of sorts last year, but it gets hot. My granddaughter did a bit of cosplaying this year, and she looked great. I don't know how some of these people make it through the day. It takes a lot of dedication and talent.
We were all so pooped by the time it was time to go home. But it's so much fun to spend a day with the kids and just have fun. Naturally, we all spent too much money and ate too much junk, but what can I say? It's three days once a year, man.
I'm pretty tired out, so I will share days 2 and 3 with you tomorrow.
Have a great night!
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