6:52 p.m.
Home a little earlier tonight. I'm glad, because as much as I want to spend time with my mother, it's really tiring doing nothing all day. I can't even imagine how tired she must be.
But things are looking up, and I'm very grateful.
At some point in this narrative I will get to the whole story, but you'll have to be patient. I'm just not quite up to it.
In the meantime, I did promise some July 4th storytelling.
For the most part, The 4th was an okay day. You all know how I feel about the fireworks situation, but the daytime leading up to that was a nice day.
We found ourselves at my daughter's house, where we were treated to barbecue--hamburgers and brats, chips and soda, yummy desserts.
Better still, it was good company. Lots of conversation and laughter. You know, the best sort of day.
Rats! It's not going to upload for me. How sad. You'll just have to believe me. Too cute.

No matter how you slice it, family life is worth more than gold. I love my babies.
We did leave before dark to make sure the fur baby was not alone when the fireworks commenced, and it was a good thing we did, because she was terror stricken. I feel so bad for pets on Independence Day. Can't we just barbecue and leave it at that?
Oh, yeah. I promised not to repeat the rant. Oops!
7:22 p.m.
In the time leading up to the first week of July, I was planning a trip to meet my parents in Trinidad, Colorado for a family reunion. The plan was to go Greyhound, so I knew I couldn't take my computer with me this time. So I ordered a new laptop, thinking I could easily carry it on the bus and once we made it back from vacation, I could finish editing my book and get it set for publication.
But...no. The laptop arrived, and lo and behold, it wouldn't even turn on! Aughhh! I called customer support, but they couldn't make it fly. So, I had to return it.
Dingity-dang, what a disappointment! I figured I could re-order, and have it shipped here to Wyoming, but we haven't stayed in this house much at all over the last few weeks, so... maybe tomorrow.
In the meantime, I'm blogging from Dad's PC, and for some reason picture downloads tonight are going super slow. Bear with me.
Family Reunion #1--Trinidad, CO
As planned, I boarded a big grey dog on July 7th and headed for Trinidad. Arrived about noon and my Dad picked me up at the bus stop.
We stayed at the La Quinta, and I have to say this: they are great! They have a large outdoor patio with a huge umbrella covering the table area, and the whole family was able to sit outside and talk. We could bring in outside foods, drink wine, beer or whatever we chose, and the staff made us entirely welcome. Free breakfast from 4:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. I have never seen that anywhere else.
My parents had been there for a few days already, because while I was walking my feet off at Denver Comic Con, they were attending the wedding of my cousin in Rye, and then doing some goofing off in the area. By the time I arrived they were on a first name basis with the hotel staff.
I don't know who took this picture, but admit it--my parents are cute as heck!
The reunion was for my Dad's side of the family, and all his siblings were there. Four of them live in Colorado, but his other brother came all the way from Minnesota. It's always a blessing when everyone can be together for a couple of days.
Aunts and Uncles!

Also attending were some cousins!

Good times were had by all. We talked, we laughed, we ate some great food. I even had a drink! (Not something I do very often--more like once every couple of years. And it wasn't even very good, dang it!)
We attended Mass in Trinidad Saturday night. the church is beautiful--and old! It is filled with many sculptures and stained glass depicting the Stations of the Cross. I was fascinated with the artwork.

I really love visiting older churches. They can be quite lovely, and the history can be really interesting. This church has suffered some damage from an earthquake, for instance.
My folks decided to start our return trip on Sunday instead of following the original plan to leave Monday, since we were scheduled to begin a new trip on Wednesday. We left Trinidad after having a nice breakfast--courtesy of La Quinta--with the family.
Colorado is a beautiful state, and the drive was really nice. However, there are a great many twisty roads, and by the time we reached Vernal, Utah, it was time to stop for the night.
We left Vernal early the next morning, and it was just a short jaunt to Green River from there. It was Monday, July 10th. We'd be leaving again on Wednesday. Unpacking! Laundry! Repacking! And--
Nope. For the continuing story of "What I did on My Vacation", come back tomorrow.
Good night!
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