July 27, 2019
7:09 p.m.
It took me a while to get back to the keyboard. I tried to get all caught up with June, and July got away from me!
One thing that has been happening this month is I was named Author of the Month on one of my favorite writers' pages on Facebook--Book Whores.
Yeah, yeah. But we Indie authors really do have to get out there and peddle our wares, and sometimes it can be disheartening, so I think the name is kind of cool and apt.
As part of my tenure, I did an interview with the page's administrator, Robert Crawford. It's on his blog, and you can read it here:
My Interview with Robert Crawford
I hope you'll read and comment. Give him some love, he asked great questions that I had to really put some thought into answering.
July got started off with a bang--fireworks, don't ya know. I took precautions, like making sure Molly and I were safely downstairs where the noise would be minimal. Past pets have been seriously traumatized by the bangs and whistles.
I put on a movie and turned up the volume a bit, and hoped for the best. Molly fell asleep in my lap.
Where the fireworks got started, Molly woke up, gave me a quizzical look, yawned and went back to sleep.
So much for trauma. Hurrah!
On the 9th, Dad's bang-up had healed sufficiently for the Ophthalmologist to do a complete eye exam and give him a new prescription, so we picked out and ordered new glasses.
They weren't going to be ready in time for the family reunion trip, but we didn't let that bother us.
We rented a Suburban for the trip. That was so nice. Eight people and a little dog, and we were able to get all our bags and goodies in with us with minimal squashing.
Surprisingly, that big vehicle did really well on gas, too. Overall, I'd say it was a great decision, and Enterprise Rentals made it easy and affordable.
Trinidad, Colorado is quite a treasure trove of history, and we had to tour this house again. Because, of course we did!
I am always on the lookout for beautiful scenery to photograph, and most of the shots I took on this trip were from the moving vehicle.
We took a very scenic route going down, through the mountains of the west. Gorgeous!

When we go to Trinidad, we always stay at the La Quinta. We get lovely rooms and great, friendly service. They have a great breakfast every day, and lots of room to visit in the dining area or outside on the patio.
(Look at me, plugging the good companies who made our vacation nice!)
8:10 p.m.
Oh look at this! It's time to dole out meds and get the flowers watered. I will continue with the reunion tomorrow!
Good night!
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