Wednesday, January 6, 2021

 January 6, 2021

7:20 p.m.

I had a plan for today. It did not include watching insurrectionists infiltrate the Capitol in Washington, D.C.

It as simple--let the dog out, take a shower, fix breakfast for Mom and myself, clean the kitchen, take down the Christmas decorations, and then write for a while. 

I figured while I was at it, I could keep an eye on election results from Georgia and see what might happen when Vice President Pence read the Electoral College votes. 

Yeah, I expected some crap to go down, but not the shit-show that happened.

I guess it was a good thing I was so busy packing up decorations at the time--I had something to distract me from...I don't know, kicking my feet and screaming, maybe.

What the hell happened to my country?

What does it say about the state of the world when I wasn't all that surprised when it happened? After all, Trump has been pushing this agenda for months now. But it's still hard to believe that things have gone so far around the bend. 

My flabber is gasted.

The thing that's worse is seeing people I know pushing back, defending this action or blaming it on ANTIFA. (To those of you who don't know, that name means ANTI-Fascism. ANTI.) Supposedly they disguised themselves as Trump supporters so he would be blamed. Makes sense, then, doesn't it, that he made a video thanking them for their support and saying he loved them and they were special people. He's all about Antifa, suddenly? Right...

I suppose they would just take down the American flag and put a Trump flag up in its place. Seems like a far-left thing to do. 

In your wildest dreams.

Ugh, what a mess! 

Turned off the news. I'm going to watch Downton Abby and call it a day.


Brighter side--the tree is down and put away, along with all the decorations. 

We ate taco pizza for dinner. And a brownie. Not a special brownie, just your regular run of the mill super chocolatey brownie that makes you feel good just because it is a brownie. 


I'm sure the shit show continues tomorrow, but...

Fiddle-dee-dee, tomorrow is another day. 1920 Britain, here I come. 



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