10:33 p.m.
See these people? These are mine. Depending on the day, I take all the credit, or all the blame. Hahaha! My monsters.
Today was a very nice day.
As I may have mentioned, the plan for the day was to celebrate my grandson's 10th birthday and also Mother's Day, and we did that. And it all went off without a hitch.
Therefore, a very nice day.
I like days when the family gets together, eats, talks, and everything goes well. No cake dropped on the floor. No spats. No crying.
Well, okay, I did some crying. We watched "Terms of Endearment". It's on of my all-time favorite movies, and I defy anyone to sit through that and not cry. "Give my daughter the shot!!" Oh, Shirley! Whew!
We also made a valiant attempt at watching "Mother's Day", because it was appropriate for the day, but the toddlers were keeping me a little too busy to really see the whole thing, so I'll have to try that again in the future. Not a big deal--I will never mind being distracted my toddlers! They are the best distraction.
Cake and ice cream were enjoyed by all. The birthday boy got a new bike, so no complaints there. And I don't know if you can tell, but a Mario Brothers cake? Very cool.

So today my house was full of family, and that always makes me happy. I got to eat chocolate cake, which also makes me happy. I rocked a baby to sleep, hugged all my grandchildren and got flowers and candy.
See? A very good day. Thanks, family and friends! I'm so lucky to be a Mom.
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