Saturday, January 13, 2018

January 12, 2018
10:00 p.m.

This whole day got away from me, and now it's 10 p.m. Wow!

I'd like to say I got tons of things done, but that would be a lie. I worked on some text revisions in my book, I did dishes and I chased the toddler around.

Not a terribly productive day, really. I'm sitting here feeling guilty because I waited until too late to make a phone call and check on my mom. She had knee replacement surgery this week and is doing well, but I didn't call today! I am so freaking bad.

Sorry, Mom. I swear I will call tomorrow.

January 13, 2018
1:44 a.m.

Whoa, what happened? I downloaded a program on my PC, everything went wild on me, computer launched like a million updates, and now, here I am, trying to get things back in order. Ugh!!

In the meantime, I've been streaming a Netflix show made in Australia called "Glitch". It would appear that I'm incredibly good at choosing weird stuff to watch.

There are some really good performances going on here. I don't know who any of the actors are, of course, but they know their stuff.

Now that things are up and running on my PC, the website I need to use is down for maintenance. Seems like a really good time to call it quits and go to bed. My darling toddler was captured by her daddy just a bit ago, and silence has fallen in Casa de Paula.

I may hang out just a bit in case my daughter comes home for lunch (2 a.m. !!!) We might be able to watch an episode of "Jane the Virgin". But I doubt it.

My neighborhood is a mobile home park, and the manager and her team maintain a website. Recently, video surveillance has caught coyotes in the wee hours of the night. We'll have to go outside with the little doggy at night. She'd make a tasty coyote snack.

I remember a coyote encounter here a few years ago. I was on the way to the bus stop before sunrise, and crossed paths with a pair of them. We looked each other over and went our separate ways. That was a little scary.

I have also run into fox in this neighborhood, but it has been quite a while since I've seen them. I think they were pretty well driven off when the big field was sold and a car wash was built there. Foxes seem a bit more discriminating about where they den than coyotes. Those coyotes make themselves right at home in neighborhoods. Everyone needs to keep a good eye on their little pets.

Still, my scariest encounter with wildlife remains the near-collision with a moose. Yikes!

Okay, looks like I might indeed get to watch "Jane" with my kiddo.

Gotta go set that up.

Good night!

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