Tuesday, January 2, 2018

January 2, 2018
10:32 p.m.

It would appear that I cannot type in the dark. Hahaha!

I never learned to properly type, I guess. I don't actually look at the keys or hunt and peck like I did when I was a kid, but for some reason, I have to have the ability to at least peek. Oh, man.

I started typing on my dad's old Royal when I was about 10. He let me use it, and handed over a book about how to type properly, but I was in a huge hurry to write my stories, letters and what-have-you, and rushed through the book without giving it proper consideration.

By the time I got to high school and signed up for typing class, I had developed a good number of bad habits. The teacher--I don't remember her name--invited me to go sign up for a different class. She wasn't mean or mad, she just stated very matter-of-factly that she didn't have time to UN-teach me before teaching me proper keyboarding, and that the way I was going about it seemed to be getting the job done just fine. Even if she didn't like my finger placement or whatever, she could see that I could construct a sentence as quickly as anyone, and told me my time would be better spent elsewhere.

Well, that's all well and good, but now I can't type in the dark.

Dang it!

I hope I never have to type in the dark...

Okay, that was a rather silly start, but I have been off and on sick for the last few days. This means I shut myself in my room and stream old television shows because I can't sleep.

(I do sleep more when I'm sick than I usually do, but I'm still not much of a sleeper. I take Nyquil very sparingly; it helps me sleep but messes with my stomach.)

Anyway, I chose this show from 2006-2007 called "Jericho" to stream on Netflix. It may have seemed more sci-fi/fantasy at the time it was done, but watching it right now, it seems more like horror.

Denver is struck by an A-Bomb or something. Other cities, it is soon revealed, have also been bombed. The Kansas town of Jericho is cut off, loses power, loses deliveries of food and fuel. And etc.

It's a farming community, so it has some advantages.

But its biggest advantage appears to me to be its unending supply of candles. 22 episodes in now--all of season one--and no one has run out of candles!

Am I being too picky?

Seriously, people are fighting over food. There's not enough fuel to power generators. There's one store, and getting any merchandise is a huge issue for the owner.

Where did all the candles come from??

I know, I know. Why am I so focused on this one little detail? I like the show. It's compelling, really, especially in light of the way things have been going in this country the past year. This is something that could happen, and soon, if we're not careful.

And I might have enough candles in the house to keep us lit for a couple of nights, tops. After that--oh well!

I'll be typing in the dark!

And I can't type in the dark!!

It's a moot point, anyway. I lost the Royal when my house burned down. I have my computer and my laptop and an electric typewriter, but if the power is out--tough titty, said the kitty.

My penmanship has suffered in the keyboarding age.


I think I already obsessed over this in a previous post... did I?

I've been sick, remember. God alone knows what I may have gone on about....

Anyway, if Denver gets bombed, typing--whether it's dark or not--will be the least of my worries, won't it?

I need to watch something else...

After I finish the next season, of course. There are only two.

Maybe I'll find out where they got all those candles.

I think I still have a fever....

Okay, it's the second day of a brand new year, and the great orange one has already tweeted enough stupidity for the whole month.

I would really love to make my New Year's resolution be a decrease in news viewing and reading, but this administration has made me afraid of NOT knowing what's going on even more than being afraid of knowing.

Why is that guy still in office? What alternate universe have we been thrust into?

Seriously, he's literally tweeted that his is bigger and works. Yeah, it's a nuke button, not a penis, but for goodness sake--REALLY? North Korea has become a serious threat, and he want to get into a pissing contest with Kim Jong Un. The fate of the world may be in the hands of two ego-maniacal, spoiled rotten babies.

God help us.

11:30 p.m.

Did I tell you I spent the first hours of the New Year immersed in the very wonderful "Fiddler on the Roof"? That's how you do it, folks.

Even sick in bed, there's no way not to love that movie. Even when I can't sing along, I love every second of it. I laugh, I cry. I can't wait to watch it again.

I'm so glad my son found it on sale for me! I bought it on the spot. The smile on my face stretched all the way to Wyoming. Grin!!!

I'm going to crawl back into the old beddy-bye now. I really do have a fever again, dang it. I'm giving in and taking some Nyquil. I hope to sleep it off.

Wish me luck.

Good night!

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