Sunday, January 7, 2018

January 6, 2018
11:07 p.m.

I've been feeling awfully nostalgic the last couple of days, going through old pictures and finding little treasures.

It's amazing to me to find photos that pre-date me. I mean, I'm over half a century old myself (!!!!!) and finding things that are decades older than myself seems pretty incredible.

Hahaha! I sound like I think I'm so old there were no cameras before I was born.

Ah, how crazy.

Someday my children may go through these old pictures--or my grandchildren--and be amazed that cameras were already invented when I was a kid.

I guess it's a kid thing that we never really outgrow. Our parents seemed old, our grandparents ancient, and if we had great-grandparents, they must have grown up with the dinosaurs. Not literally, of course, but...

Okay, I remember asking my great-grandfather if there were cars when he was a kid. If they had a television. If they had a phone. And I, born in the second half of the twentieth century, am old enough to have had great-grandparents old enough to remember the first cars, and to remember listening to "Little Orphan Annie" on the radio, because there was no television, and to remember their first telephones.

But I didn't ever, ever expect to have my four-year-old grandson ask ME if there was television when I was a kid!


I don't remember ever not having a television, but I do remember getting our first color television when I was about thirteen. I don't remember ever being without a phone, either. Or a car.

I haughtily informed my little story-teller that I wasn't THAT old, by golly.

(I call him my story-teller, because he seems to be incapable of answering a question or telling me anything at all without turning it into a grand, descriptive narrative. (I think he must be mine!)
Even when tattling on his brother or cousins, I could expect to hear a great tale before he was done.

Love, love, love it. I could 't help being amused even by the tattling. I mean, he sets the scene, describes the crime, emphasizes the aftermath. I almost couldn't deal with shushing him so I could go deal with the culprits.

I can't wait until he starts writing!)

Anyway, after I told him I wasn't that old, he said, "But Grandma, I see some grey hairs in your head, so you are not that young, either." And he gave me a hug and ran off to play.

Hmph! How can I argue with that?


Luckily for me, no witnesses. I would never hear the end of it.

Except I just told on myself.

Oh, well.

Historically, my great-grandfather was born after cars were invented. I have no idea if his family owned a car when he was growing up, but there were cars back then. Phones also were invented before he was born. Television came along during his lifetime.

Just in case the little story-teller asks.

Back to sorting through pictures.

Good night!

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