Thursday, February 15, 2018

February 15, 2018
8:23 p.m.

Wow, I am such a schlub!

I composed a wonderful, happy blog about getting the water heater installation completed, and then it never got posted.

For some reason, last Sunday night the Internet did not want to cooperate with my posts, and once I submitted my little story of the day--or whatever, you know me-- it just hung out, cursor button spinning on the screen.

I finally gave up and shut it down for the night, and then forgot to update everything the next day--and the whole blog has disappeared!

I posted yesterday without giving it a thought. Today I checked things and realized--whoops!

So, although the absolute shiny-new happy has worn off a little, I am here to tell you that I have a new water heater! Hurray!

Sunday was all about connect this and connect that, and by evening I was taking an honest to goodness warm shower without having to heat and haul a single pot! Ahhhhh! Sweet!

Then we started to tackle backed up laundry and discovered that--uh oh!--the hot and cold water were reversed.

That got resolved pretty quickly, thank heavens.

My clothes are clean, washed, dried, hung and folded. Another hurray!

I made arrangements to have the old water heater picked up and paid for the service. Then, when we put it out for pick-up today, someone came along and took it!!! Luckily, my son called and got me a refund! Hurray for my son! Oh, gotta credit daughter, too, for telling him that I shouldn't have to pay.

Jeez. If I knew someone would come and snag the thing--probably a scrap-metal collector--I would have had it out of here a couple days ago. However, I suspect that whoever took it was someone who trolls the park on garbage days to see what he can scavenge. Today is garbage day; that fact is the basis for my suspicion. Aren't I clever?

Anyway, I'm just glad to be washing and drinking with relative ease again.

You may know that I write about a character who speaks to her dead relations. I should probably have one of them remind her how good she has it in these modern times! Ha ha!

9:05 p.m.

Back in the day, I had a friend who, when her child needed to clear her nasal passages (aren't I so, so polite?) she instructed her to "blow her brains out."

I have a cold. It is a miserable, snotty cold. I have blown my brains out so many times now that I can literally feel the brain matter shrinking. I can't even think straight.

How on earth do humans manufacture so much mucus? Jiminy crickets! Too bad it is not a marketable commodity--I would be stinking rich.


Um... I think that's the NyQuil talking.

In case you missed it, I published a little Valentine vignette here yesterday.

And now---


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