Saturday, February 3, 2018

February 2, 2018
5:59 p.m.

Some days it might be best to cover my head and stay in bed. Like, forever.

It's not bad enough that it was so sunny that there's no way our Colorado groundhogs didn't see their shadows. Six more weeks of winter.

Punxsutawney Phil, the "official" groundhog, saw his shadow today, according to news sources. His opinion is supposedly the only one that really counts, so we should be in for six more weeks of wintry weather.

Now, considering the fact that we in my area have had very little wintry weather so far, I guess that's not a bad thing.

Of course, if we look at the calendar...yep! Six more weeks until spring.

Truth is, in this area, we are more likely to get the wintry weather after the calendar tells us it is spring.

Crazy rodents!

Anyway, that was the very least of the not-so-great news this morning.

My water heater has bitten the dust!! Waaaa! I am so sad.

I wish I could just sell this old heap of hooey and buy a new house. But, as I am not anywhere near rich enough to do that, I guess I will just get nickled and dimed some more.

You can tell me to shut up just any time now. Whiney girl!

Maybe make that winey girl? A little sip of the old red?


So the water is shut off. There's no separate shut off valve for the water heater. How dumb is that? We just have to turn it on periodically to flush toilets and get wash water.

The search is on for a water heater and installation without going too broke. Or... I dunno.


And, damn! It's not even Monday! This is Monday stuff, people.


9:23 p.m.

Just have to throw this out there for the record: I hate politics!

My friend called #45 "Mango Mussolini" today. I am still laughing. Thanks, Tim!

Today I became a Goodreads Author!! I'm very excited.

I am going to have to learn how to do things on this site, but it's just neat that they let me be one of their authors! I feel special.

Please give me a follow, huh? That'd be so cool!

February 3, 2018
12:56 a.m.

Whoa! What happened? It's a new day.

Gonna call it a night.

Thanks for letting me vent, vent, vent.


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