Wednesday, February 7, 2018

February 7, 2018
5:33 p.m.

When you place an order and it goes into Internet limbo--not good. Luckily, I discovered the issue when I checked the status this morning and it said "Status Unknown". Called the store. They couldn't find the order, and they had been waiting for everything to go through so they could set up delivery.

I mean, it was crazy dumb. I talked to them yesterday and placed the order for the water heater online. The store set it aside to wait for the order number and set up a delivery time.

And then--nothing. If I hadn't checked today, they would still be waiting or else would assume that I had changed my mind.

And my order would be circling in limbo until someone finally pushed it through and we might--MIGHT--have gotten a water heater next week or something.

I use the Internet for everything, but when it goes kerflooey, it really goes! Especially for me. Yee-haw! Good thing I know my own luck and stayed on top of things when I didn't hear back from them to set up a time.


Went to the store in person, paid in person, delivery should be sometime of Friday. Just hope I can get it all installed and everything before the predicted storm hits over the weekend. But...who knows? We will be okay either way.

No matter what, we will soon have hot showers. Even if I have to go build a stall in the yard and run a hose and heat the water myself! Hahaha!

I just checked the weather, and it no longer looks like we're getting a storm. More like a dusting. Which is fine with me until after all this crap is taken care of.

The weather is so weird. It's February. There should be snow on the ground. Instead we are walking around in t-shirts. It's cold after the sun westers, but until then, it's like fall.

We'll probably have April blizzards.

It wouldn't be the first time.

But I still think it's weird.

8:11 p.m.

It has been a strange day. One of those days where nothing too terrible goes on, but still nothing goes quite the way you thought it should.

Fixed the water heater issue, but still don't know for sure what time delivery happens on Friday. Gotta get the floor fixed first so I will call the handyman tomorrow to set that up.

Plan for certain things blew up because places were closed or closed at noon. What's up with things not being open on Wednesday?


I think I will have a cup of cocoa and call it a night.

Tomorrow will be a good day!


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