Monday, February 26, 2018

February 26, 2018
12:22 p.m.

Howdy! I think it is actually 1:22 p.m., but I am still on Colorado time even though I am currently in Louisiana.

You know, when it is snowy and cold and sixteen degrees, going south is not a bad idea at all! It s in the low-to-mid 70s here. The humidity is odd to a desert-raised gal, but it makes my skin feel good.

My son and his wife got married last April and we enjoyed some celebrations with them in Colorado at that time. However, my daughter-in-law's family wasn't able to join us at that time and wanted to do something for them in their homeland, so here we are!

We began our travels on the 22nd, going from Denver to Oklahoma City. Spent the night with my daughter and on the 23rd continued on to this southern state, where it is warm and humid and very green in February.

To get here, we had to go through Dallas, Texas. No offense to you Texans, but I could never deal with that traffic and those bridges on a daily basis. That was a nightmare. I can't remember the last time I was so happy to leave a city behind me, and I am already researching alternate routes out of here!.

We went through a very short portion of Route 66. Historic--I guess that means returned to the original gravel. Haha. That was a terrible stretch of road.

It was dark by the time we arrived, so I didn't get to see much of the lay of the land until Saturday morning. It is pretty here. Everything is spread out. Wherever we go, it's a trip.

Saturday was the big celebration, a craw fish boil. I have never in my life eaten craw fish, and had vowed to give it a try, even after I saw the darned things. They look like big bugs. Ugh. But, true to my word, I tried it. Not bad. I will probably have some leftovers today, in Jambalaya.

Still, I prefer lobster.

We're going to be here a few more days, and I will likely be adding some pictures in the future, but at this time, I am enjoying watching Marvel movies with my daughter-in-law's mother, who is hosting me. We have been having a good time.

I will update you soon!


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