Monday, March 19, 2018

March 19, 2018
9:05 p.m.

Well, damn. Fix one thing, and another thing goes to hell. We need to get into another place. Somehow.

It sucks to not be rich, man.

The roof has sprung a couple of new leaks, and they are not little. I am sad.

Why are you falling apart, old house?


This was not the post I planned on earlier today. But, crap sure does happen. Right?

10:54 p.m.

Now I am of a mind to use some seriously strong language and possibly kick my feet and scream. It won't do me any good, but I might make me feel a little better.

I skipped the hot chocolate last night after considering it, but it's happening tonight. Chocolate is a MUST HAVE at this point. I don't have any candy, so... gotta get your chocolate wherever you can!

I know it's kinda dumb, but my aging house makes me feel like a failure and a rotten Mom.  It makes me question every single decision I have made since leaving High School. It makes me feel envious of women who have partners to help them out with stuff like this.

And feeling this way makes me feel seriously bad about myself, because it's not very nice.

I want to be a nice person.


I know at this point in the "thinks" process I should be counting my blessing--and yes, I know I have many--but I am functioning on a bare minimum of sleep this week, so all I really want to do is just feel sorry for myself right now, and guilty that my kids are living in a hunk-a-junk house.

I'll count my blessing tomorrow. I swear.

Blah, blah, blah.


Apparently, tonight is not the night to talk about class reunions and stuff. At this point I cannot even pretend I ever succeeded at anything.

I know, I know. I'm wallowing, okay? I'll get over it.

Um...the hot chocolate is good.

I'm going to go read something trashy and get back to this tomorrow.

Good night.

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