Tuesday, March 20, 2018

March 20, 2018
11:00 p.m.

"An ill wind that blows nobody good."

This is old, old, and indicates something happening that benefits no one. But in the last couple of weeks that "ill wind" seems weirdly literal. Twice this month I have awakened to wind gusts rattling my house, blowing open the doors, chilling my aching bones. Then came messages of death--my nephew, my childhood friend.

I hope March doesn't go out like a lion.

I'm despondent.

There seems to be a force at work, a force determined to remind me that time waits for no one.

Why put off get togethers? Why delay making the phone calls, writing the letters? Why drive by the houses without stopping in just to say hello?

We think we have time. We can do it later. It will wait.

Well, guess what?

It won't wait.

There is no later.

We do not have time.

So stop and say hello. You don't have to stay long; just let them know you were thinking of them and wanted to check in.

Make the phone call and write that letter. Do it while you have a chance.

Get together as often as possible, and if it isn't possible, go out of your way to make it possible.

Don't wait.

Say all the things you'll regret not saying if time runs out. Say them now. Say them often.

Don't wait.

Missing the chance--that's the true ill wind that does nobody good.

I love you all. You're important to me. I appreciate you. I'm happy you're part of my world.

Good night.

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