Tuesday, March 27, 2018

March 26, 2018
9:45 p.m.

I remember enjoying Facebook so much back in the day (pre-election year 2016).

I can't give up on it entirely. I have rekindled old friendships, discovered relatives I didn't know I had and gotten to share in the day-to-day lives of my children and grandchildren when I'm not living close enough to have regular visits.

But, oh my goodness, some of the nastiness that goes on!

That goes for Twitter, too, actually.

People are a trip. For the past year and a half, I have discovered how much of a trip they can be. It is one thing to disagree about something; it's quite another to devolve into name-calling, accusatory bullying tactics to attempt to shove an opinion down someone's throat.

My question of the day is this: were people always this shitty and I just didn't know because I wasn't in the position to interact with so many of them before? Or did people become this shitty because they were presented with the opportunity to interact with so many others, and often anonymously?

By the way, pardon my language. Sometimes it seems best to use the word that fits the scenario.

You know, what I find the most disturbing is how many people I'm seeing actively searching for the opportunity to make scathing and disparaging remarks and taking obvious pleasure in stirring others into arguments.

Is it entertaining to stir the pot? Is it joyful to pit one person against another and then sit back and watch the show?

Apparently, it is.

I don't know why I'm surprised. The Romans used to put Christians into arenas with lions and watch as they were torn to shreds and devoured.

In other words, this is nothing new. There's just a bigger audience.

Sometimes I think the word "humanity" can't possible mean what we think it means.

12:07 a.m.

I hate packing.

I'm about to head back to Wyoming for a while, and now I have to pack.

I can hear you now: just pack the same things you brought home with you.

Well, I would. But I was driven here, and now I will be flying. It changes the whole packing dynamic when you fly. What goes to the luggage compartment? What goes in the carry-on? Can I trust these people with my C-Pap machine, or should that be my carry-on? How much of a problem are my medications going to be, and should those be in the carry-on? Will they allow them in the carry-on?

I fly, okay. It's not like these are terribly difficult questions. The thing is, I left my bigger bag in Wyoming. You know, the one that has room for the C-Pap machine to be packed inside with my clothing, all cushioned and safe.

The original plan was a drive back. But a $45. plane ticket vs $150. or more for gas, oil and wear and tear on a vehicle? No contest.

So now I have to re-think the packing plan. Yuck. And when it's all said and done it will have been so simple that this whole rant will be moot.

Ha ha.

Anyway, the point is, I am going to be back in Wyoming for awhile. I get to see my parents and siblings and spend some time at home. Yay!

It's snowing outside as Tuesday gets started, and I just want to know, who needs this happy crappy?

I guess March must have come in like a lamb; I still don't remember and I am too lazy to go back through notes and blogs and weather reports to find out. I don't know, it's supposed to warm back up the rest of the week, so March could still go out like a lamb.

"In like a lion, out like a lamb, in like a lamb, out like a lion." Does that ever really happen?

It occurs to me now that I have clothes and stuff all over my bed.

(Did I mention I hate packing?)

I may want to use my bed sometime soon.


I guess I should go pick up the mess I left on my bed.

At least they're all clean and folded...

I shall return to think thoughts and rant and rave soon enough.

Fair warning.

Good night!

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