Sunday, March 4, 2018

March 4, 2018
2:53 p.m.

Seriously, I cannot be the only person who looks in the mirror and says, "Gravity sucks!!" So how is it that women are not clamoring for space travel to be be part of their beauty regime?

Think of it: a few hours in zero gravity every week would relax that pull on our skin that leads to sagging boobs and booties. jowls and upper arms. It would be a great way to combat the real culprit of aging. It's not the passage of time, it's passing that time in a constant state of downward dragging.

If I lived in outer space, I would look great!

By the way, if this becomes a thing, I better get all the credit. Perhaps I should file for a patent immediately. Zero gravity beauty treatments by Paula Shablo.

Yeah, surely someone has already suggested this...right?

I gotta Google this....

Well, that would be beyond lucrative... if it were remotely possible without literally going to live in outer space.

Why can't I come up with do-able ideas?

10:25 p.m.

Thank you for having us, Louisiana!! 

We recently returned from a little vacation to Louisiana. I have to say it was a good time. Louisiana is home to some nice, friendly people. The food was great. The weather was cooperative--warm and not terribly humid. Of course, to a desert gal like me, even that amount of humidity is heavy on the lungs--but on the bright side, great on the old skin! I'm glad we went in February, though. I don't know that I could really breathe well if it was hotter and more humid.

Trip day one was pretty straightforward. I-70 through Kansas and then south to Oklahoma City. We took highway routes going south rather than dealing with the Interstate, and it was quiet and pleasant.

We arrived in Oklahoma and spent the night with my daughter and her kids.

Day two was a bit Dallas, Texas. Man, the traffic. Lunch hour, I reckon. Yikes. All those bridges.

Naturally, someone tried to drive under a truck instead of waiting to drive under a bridge. The result wasn't too pretty.

Needless to say, I wasn't unhappy to leave that much humanity in the rear-view. Denver is little. Who woulda thunk it?

Now, you cross into Louisiana, and what do you see? Green grass everywhere! It's amazing. February and lush with green.

Pretty, huh?

We arrived at our destination after sundown--of course. The area is lovely, but I think they missed the memo regarding road widths out in the rural areas. Narrow. Horse and buggy narrow. Ha ha! As long as no one is coming from the opposite direction, you're okay, but it's a breath-holding situation when someone passes you.

Or course, my daughter-in-law managed to give me a fright when we were all alone on the road. Good job.

During our stay, I was welcomed into the home of my daughter-in-law's mother. She made me very welcome and we had a good time.

Trip day three was the planned craw fish boil to celebrate the marriage last year that no one was able to make the trip for.

This was my first experience with swimming bugs, but I was determined to be a brave old lady and give them a try.

So this is scary, right?
They look like some sort of 
water bug. 

 Before and after. 

I admit it, I was a LOT nervous. Of course, I was
nervous when I tried lobster, too. Or basically anything that isn't chicken or beef or pork. Because they look--ew!

But I was brave and gave it a try. Not too shabby. A bit chewy, I thought, but nothing bad about it.
So now I have eaten craw fish.

There's a check off the old bucket list!

I'd like to post people pictures, but I will wait until I ask for permission. These wonderful folks are all very nice, but I don't know them well, so I don't want to step on toes.

However, I will post this shot of a Louisiana parking lot. Ha ha!

The rest of the week we visited a bit, hung out, watched movies and played games and ate too much good food.

I think I am finally catching up on the DC movies.

I also think I will always be more of a Marvel girl.

Watching Grease was a GREAT time. Thanks, ladies!!

I spent the evening editing pictures so I could write this blog, and now I feel to lazy to write about the return trip, so now you have to wait until next time.


For now, I will wish you a good night!

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