Monday, April 9, 2018

April 8, 2018
11:27 p.m.

It has been a very busy week!

On Easter Sunday I boarded a plane and flew from Denver to Salt Lake City. There I was picked up by my sister and brother-in-law, and my parents.

I love to fly. It's quick and generally comfortable, and I enjoy the whole sensation of being airborne. Oddly enough, I was on a flight that was only about half full, and like a dingbat, I chose a seat overlooking the wing!! What was I thinking? Only when banking was I able to really see the ground, but it worked out well enough when we flew over the Great Salt Lake. Wow, it really is great! HUGE!

We stayed at the hospital guest house, which is very nice. Spacious room, comfortable bed, nice staff and a great breakfast service. That last is really important when you have to stay for a few days. It gives you more preparation time in the mornings, and you can relax a bit before taking a trek to the hospital.

Mom's knee replacement surgery went well. It was done on Monday, and she was feeling well enough to head back to Wyoming on Wednesday. We actually got out of there before noon, which is miraculous in my experience.

On Friday my brother and sister arrived here from their homes elsewhere in Wyoming. It has been nice to have them around helping out with everything.

My brother's wife came for the kiddo's wrestling matches in Friday and Saturday, so their little girl was here hanging out with us. Said little girl is the adorable four-footed Bella, who was not entirely thrilled to be left here without Mama and Daddy, so she elected my father--Grandpa--as her champion while my brother and his wife attended the wrestling matches. She sat on his lap and tricked him into giving her snacks and was generally an all around cutie-pie.

Well, my sister-in-law and the boys went home this morning, and we sure do miss the puppy. Oh, we miss her and the boys, too!

My brother will be here a few more days, and my sister may stay on even longer, and it's nice having them around, because I usually only get to see them on the fly.

I have cooked a few meals, and now we have lots of leftovers. One of these days I will figure out how to cook for fewer people. I still haven't gotten the hang of it!

Mom took a tumble this morning getting out of bed and gave us quite a scare. So glad my brother was here. He was able to just pick her right up. I could never have done that. I called her home health nurse to give her a good looking over; she's fine, but she's got a good goose-egg on her forehead.

Falls are crazy, you know? First you're up, then you're down, and whatever went on in between is none of your business. Mom hasn't fallen since my son was a baby (he's 39!) I, on the other hand, fall all the dang time, and I have learned that it is best just to go on down without a fight. Every time I try to stay on my feet, I just end up pulling every muscle in my body! But that's me, and I don't want my Mama to fall at all EVER.

After the nurse left my brothers and dad all got together and assessed the bedroom arrangements and made a few changes to make things safer in there. This is not to say that it was terribly dangerous, but improvements are always possible.

Mom has had more pain in the aftermath of this knee replacement than she had with the first one, and I think she is feeling disappointed and let down, because she expected everything to go more or less the same as last time. I suppose we all did, really, and it's hard to see her in pain. Hopefully as we go into week two, everything will start getting easier.

I'm going to go try and get a bit of sleep, since last night didn't go well in that regard.

Good night, all!!

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