Sunday, April 1, 2018

March 31. 2018
10:59 p.m.

While I am always up for a nice visit with my parents and Wyoming family, I have to admit how hard it always is for me to leave Colorado.

In spite of all the many, many ridiculous problems I have with this old house, it has become home. Kids are here, and grandkids, too. The toddler is at an age where she's becoming really interesting to be around, and I think I will miss a lot of her upcoming ground breakers. She's so funny and busy. (Also bratty and a general pain in the butt. Ha ha.) She's so smart, and she literally never forgets anything. She talks about things we did months ago, gets all the names right, and the details are amazing.

I wish I could do that!!

I love to listen to her when she thinks she's unobserved, telling stories to her dolls and toys, singing her alphabet and counting--she's hit forty just recently, with very, very little prompting. She names colors and she's pretty adept at naming the characters in anything she's watched more than once.

I would love to be comfortably well off enough to set her up with a Minnie Mouse bedroom.

Maybe I'll win the lottery. Ha ha!

The other toddler--just turned two--is a huge Moana fan. She's starting to talk a lot, and she sings all the songs quite well.

Her big brother also had a birthday this month. Gosh, my babies are growing up way too fast.

My son is also a March baby--but he hit the big 3-9 this year, and we're both freaking out a little. I'm not old enough to have a near-40-year-old kid!!

And now March is over, and I'm headed out to meet my folks in Salt Lake City tomorrow. So I am hoping against hope that all the April babies--four of them!!--keep me well up to date with pictures and stuff this next month.

A word of advise to anyone living in the Federal Heights, Colorado area-- do not patronize the Burger King restaurant at 104th and Federal Blvd. They need to get their act together before they kill someone. Dang, what I night! (March 30th) My stomach is still in a state of turmoil, and I have to fly tomorrow; I am most unhappy. I would blame it all on my own tummy issues, but everyone who had their food yesterday at my house had a miserable night. We were giving Burger King their last chance yesterday, since over the last few months they have consistently messed up orders, delivered cold food, etc. Now we are done with them.

Someone remind me to post a bad review on Yelp. And Google. And anywhere else I can gripe and complain and hopefully make them get their @#$%  together.

I have enjoyed a few of the memes out there regarding the fact that Easter and April Fool's are falling on the same day this year. I especially liked the one suggesting that we send the kids out to hunt for eggs we haven't hidden.

How mean! Hee hee!

Speaking of Easter, I have never been a big fan of Easter Bunnies, and baskets and colored eggs. I was raised with a family who did all those things every year, but it never made any sense to me. We would check out our baskets and then go to Easter Mass, then come home and hunt Easter eggs and have a huge meal and eat a ton on candy.

And it was nice, you know? Especially when we would make the trip to Denver and all the Aunts, Uncles and cousins were there. Grandpa and Grandma spent a great deal of time and effort with all the preparations, and it was really wonderful.

But the Bunny and the baskets and the egg hunt were never the big thing to me. It was having all the family together, having a nice meal and all the interesting conversations.

Not that I didn't eat some of the candy. Pure chocolate stuff, I kept. Peeps, marshmallow filled anything, jelly beans and stuff I would count out and divide for my siblings, because...yuck. I was your basic Hershey's kiss and hollow chocolate bunny eater. Beyond that, Easter candy is pretty icky.

I was always hanging around with the grownups, because I loved to hear the stories they told each other about growing up. I'm grateful for all that now, since it has given me lots of ideas for my writing. But there's a part of me, now, that is a little sad that I didn't hang out with the kids more. I get together with cousins now, and they have all these stories with my siblings that I have no real way to relate to, because I wasn't a part of that.

Trade offs. I needed to be two people. That's all.

What I really needed was Hermoine Granger's time turner. Then I could have done both, and I would have twice as many stories!

Wow! That would have been awesome.

April 1, 2018
12:32 a.m.

Well, the midnight hour has come and gone, so I will take to opportunity now to wish you all a Blessed Easter.

Also, don't go hunt eggs without making sure someone actually hid them.

Let's see. What else?

Never mind. I have never been good at the old April Fool thing. So I'll just say good night, go to bed and go right to sleep.


Good night.

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