Friday, April 13, 2018

April 13, 2018
12:45 p.m.

Ah, tax season. It's almost deadline time, everyone. Get a move on!

I prepare taxes for a few people each year, and it's interesting to me how things vary from state to state. Wyoming taxes are straightforward: Federal only, no state or city taxes to prepare and file. Nice.

I have to say I am not looking forward to next year's tax season. I'm likely to need to take a class to learn all the new tax laws. *sigh*

Why is there so much month left at the end of my paycheck? I don't do anything...

My mother is doing well with recovery from knee replacement surgery.

I was so happy to have my brother and sister here during the first week. they were a huge help, and it was so nice to have a chance to just visit with them with no particular rush. That rarely happens, as one or the other of us usually has to get home soon.

Yesterday morning they had to leave, and then the house became really quiet. I didn't realize we were so noisy!

My brother and his wife have a cute little Chijuajua mix, six months old and cute as a button. She acts just like a human toddler, I swear. I would love to get her and my granddaughters together; they'd wear each other out and I'll bet they'd be funny and cute enough to provide us with hours of entertainment.

Mom and Dad really like the dog. They need a dog of their own, it would be so good for them. I think having a pet around is so good for people.

The April birthday bash began this week with my now-5-year-old grandson. Next week one granddaughter turns 16, the next day another turns 15, and then in week number three the oldest turns 19. Then I get a break until May. Whew!

How on earth did these kids get so old so fast?

Speaking of old, how can it be possible that this year marks my 40th year since graduating High School? 40 years! Holy cow! We have a reunion coming up, in Las Vegas of all places. I doubt that I will make it. And I don't understand the logic of having a class reunion in another place; we are not from anywhere near Las Vegas. It sounds like some fun things are planned, but I really cannot afford to fly out, pay for hotel and food and all. Not with my budget.

Another classmate organized a home-town get together later this summer, though, and I plan to be here for that. I already have a place to stay! Ha ha!

I hit a snag on my book and have basically started over. I didn't have to scrap anything, but I do have to adjust the sequence of events. Grandma told me so.

Ghost dreams are so vivid.

I miss the babies.

Well, I am thinking it might be time for lunch, so I'm going to go see what I can feed my parents. (Maybe leftover meatloaf. Yum.)

Until we meet again!

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