Tuesday, December 19, 2017

December 18, 2017
4:55 p.m.

Hello, there!

Remember me saying that half of us in this house are seriously off schedule? Yeah? Well, not getting any better yet.

I am tired. Considering an on-purpose awake-a-thon to try to get the kiddo sleeping through the night again, instead of her wanting to be asleep half the day with her mom.

Nah. That would be a miserable experiment.

This shall prove interesting.

6:14 p.m.

I'm so proud of myself right now. I dropped a card behind the fireplace, so I rigged up my grandson's sword with some tape and I fished that thing right out of there. Good for me!

Um...things that generally don't twist on me were twisted in the accomplishment of this enormously heroic feat. Hope I can move later!


9:26 p.m.

I should know better than to try writing in the afternoons.

Toddler cut her finger and had to be bandaged. Her mother was all on board for those festivities, and all I had to do is supply the bandages. I'm so glad I had some stashed. The cool neon cartoon-character bandages are all gone--of course.

Then Mama went to get some sleep, and we had to have macaroni and cheese and a popsicle and a stroll through some photos on my computer. We ran across a photo of a room decorated with Minnie Mouse theme, and my precious baby said, "That my yoom! I seep in dat bed?" (That's my room! Can I sleep in that bed.)

Gosh, I wish I had the resources to give her that room.

"Is that your dream room?" I asked her.

"Yeah," she said, nodding vigorously. "Fo sun day." (For someday.)

It's good to have goals...

I'm so lucky. Not everyone gets to hang out with the grandbabies this often. It's a precious blessing. Any time I get worn out from trying to get us on a sleep schedule with some semblance of sanity, I remind myself of this.

My grandson just asked me if I was a fan of Bobby Vinton when I was a teenager. I wonder how old he thinks I am? Ha ha! He's been listening to the song "Blue Velvet" and learning the words. He was born in the wrong era. That boy is a fan of really GOOD music.

I had him look up the song "Twilight Time". That was a number one song in the late 1950's. I watched his face as he listened. Serious music appreciation in that expression, let me tell you. He's off in the bedroom learning the words.

These things make me happy.

9:55 p.m.

I like wandering through the posts on Facebook, seeing what my family and friends are up to. I especially enjoy seeing Holiday posts--decorations, shopping trips, opening presents, etc.

But today I have had a frustratingly hard time while browsing, because people are posting spoilers for the new Star Wars movie. I havent' made it to the theater yet. Knock it off, please, please!! I can't scroll fast enough past these posts! Aughhhhh!!

It has been well over a decade since I last put up a Christmas tree. I have to say, I am enjoying having it up, even if I did knock a card off of it earlier. There are gifts under there, and the pile keeps growing. If all goes according to plan, all nine of my grandchildren will be here to open presents and make a ton of messes in my house on Christmas, and that is so wonderful I can't even express it. I'm praying nothing comes up to change the plan.

It would appear that I'm not getting any more writing done today.

Ta ta for now!

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