Tuesday, December 26, 2017

December26, 2017
5:20 p.m.

Oh, my gosh! It's the day after Christmas! 2017 is almost over!

I have a pretty good list of friends on Facebook, and the last couple of days the posts have been just wonderful. Pictures of families. Well wishes for the upcoming year. Kids playing with presents.

Too bad it won't last. I know the politics and the arguing will resume shortly.

In the meantime, I'm enjoying myself!

6:08 p.m.

We shared a delicious meal with extended family/friends yesterday, and it was pretty amazing to find myself seated with all my children--quite by lucky chance.

For several years now it has been our custom to make a variety of Mexican foods, gather the families together and chow down. We were lucky enough to have decent weather and good roads so that there were no problems getting to our destination.

What a great time. Such good people to spend time with. How lucky am I?

Before the meal, a great deal of cooking was done, and I have to say--I need a double oven! Hahaha!

Somehow or other, I didn't ever get around to doing the baking I usually do this time of year. I'm going to blame it on our mixed up sleep patterns. (Instead of even considering admitting I just didn't wanna!) I will try to get some baking done soon, though. It is really winter here now, and I like to bake in the winter. Pumpkin muffins. Chocolate chip cookies. Peanut butter cookies. The classics, you know.

And even before the cooking started, there was the onslaught of flying wrapping paper.

House is a mess. (We're trying!)

Today the house is full of people. It's really, really noisy in here.

The kids are wound up, playing with all their Christmas gifts.

The teen girls are playing UNO in the dining room and singing.

The Moms are running around like mad, trying to keep up with it all.

I have checked out for a moment to blog, in between cuddles and hugs and the occasional scolding. Kids be crazy!

Think I'm done for the night! Gotta chase toddlers!

Happy Holidays!

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