Sunday, December 3, 2017

December 2, 2017
11:46 p.m.

Well, this is more like my usual posting time, isn't it?

My granddaughter and I are up and watching Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Okay, neither of us are paying much attention, but it's on.

Don't get me wrong; I love this movie. But watching a nearly-three-year-old enacting a conversation between a duck and a frog is really entertaining.

Babysitting tonight. The parents have gone to a work Christmas party. Fun stuff.

Oh, whoops! The television just shut itself off. Uh...darn! Oh well, here comes a toddler to sit in my lap and make me draw puppies.

Life is rough, boy.

December 3, 2017
12:31 a.m.

Okay, it's a new day, the kids are all wound up because they get to see their mom, who sleeps days and works nights, and I am getting pretty excited because I get to sleep without a bed full of baby and dog tonight!

Or, at least, I get to TRY to sleep.

But the whole bed is MINE! Whee!

The holiday movie season is here. Watching "Home Alone". Go, Kevin. Get those bad guys.

So far, I have not watched "A Christmas Story". I love that movie. My whole family groans when I put it on. But my son bought it for me last year, so I guess he doesn't hate it that much. I couldn't explain the appeal that movie has for me, but I love it.

I think I'm headed to Target later to take advantage of a one-day sale. If I do, I may be done shopping! Hurray!

I know I admitted to putting up a tree this year, and that's big. But I'm not fussed about Christmas shopping. The little girls were easy, but I don't see the little boys often enough to know what they're into these days, so all I can do is hope. The pre-teen boys didn't pose too much of a challenge--they spend a lot of time here, so I observe. I think I managed their stuff okay. But now--the teen girls! Yikes!!!! cards? Ugh, I hate resorting to that...

However, I do love receiving gift cards...


My living room has turned into a place of chaos. Too many people yacking, I can't think. So I guess I will say goodnight and go yack, too.


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