Saturday, December 2, 2017

Happy December!

December 1, 2017
6:08 p.m.

I demand to know where the time goes!

2017 seems to have passed by ridiculously fast. What happened?

I have been back in Colorado for a few weeks now, and winter hasn't yet reared its ugly head. I'm not complaining. I'm not ready for it.

I'm also not ready for Christmas, and I think I will complain about that. It feels like I just did it. I'm not as good at early shopping as I used to be--you know, back in the day when my kids were little and I had a job.

Of course, not having a job is no excuse, really, because that basically means I have more time than ever to get it done, whether that means shopping or making gifts.

What is wrong with me?

You can cut me a little slack, though. I actually put up a tree for the first time in over a decade. Grandchildren are living here now, so kids in the house made me up my game a bit.

I didn't up it much, though. It's about three feet tall. Ha ha.

My last post was Thanksgiving Day, in the morning. By evening I was getting sick. Went to bed early. Didn't take a single picture all day. Didn't want to eat. What a dang bummer, man.

Next day, I was hungry and enjoyed leftovers. I don't know what the heck that was, not wanting to eat the delicious dinner I prepared. Probably a pre-curser to the lovely cold I've been living with pretty much ever since. Hack, cough and sniffle. So fun. But it hasn't affected my appetite too much since the first day. Hmm...

Even though I've been home for awhile, I just barely hooked my computer back up and quit using my laptop for everything. So now I can't type. Ha ha! I had forgotten that a couple of the keys on my keyboard are tight, and I don't hit them hard enough. Makes for some interesting typos.

More annoying, though, is the fact that I haven't yet downloaded all the photos I took while I was gone this past summer, and I keep looking for them today so I can share or use them. Since I am about to undertake the task of making calendars, I guess I'd better get to work on that.

Speaking of photos--good grief, do I ever need to delete some from my phone. It's a wonder I can do anything at all on it. And I've only had it for 6 months! What a hoarder I am.

11:02 p.m.

Oh boy, I got this little message on my Ancestry site and just couldn't stop myself from researching! You know, this stuff is what got me started on my book. Family histories are fascinating. My father's   various lines go back quite a bit further than the Pilgrims. I would love to do the DNA testing and see what turns up. However, I haven't seen any indication that once those tests identify Native American bloodlines, they can further identify various tribes. And based on my research, there are probably more than a couple of tribes, anyway.

We are what my Dad calls "Heinz-57s". Hahaha.

At any rate, I was given the link to a manuscript of a many-times-removed uncle who was an accidental explorer in the new world, and ended up reading quite a bit, and forgot I was writing a blog!

My bad!

In my defense--it's really interesting.

December  2, 2017
12:01 a.m.

I really, really tried not to comment on politics, but-- DAMN! That so-called tax bill just passed?!
What has happened to this country?

Nope. I'm done. Not saying anything more tonight about it.



I was better off reading. Think I'll lay in bed with a good graphic novel and try not to think too much.

Good night, all!

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